Monday, November 29, 2010


Big guy in his pumpkin outfit!

Oh fudge

Apparently I curse like a truck driver. It's really bad. I know it's really bad when several people have commented to hubs that big guy's first word is going to be the F word. Darn!

So, we originally were going to make a swear jar. That didn't last long. I never carry cash. Next, we came up with other words for curse words. F word is now Fudge. S word is now- Sugar Honey Iced Tea. B word is now Mitch- as in Son of a Mitch.

This is still working, but we needed some incentive. Hubs had the brilliant idea of making every curse word equal to one sit up. The other night, I had to do 5 sit ups. Hubs had to do two. Impressive. I think it's working, at least in my favor b/c for the past three days, hubs is at 12 and I'm at 5. heh heh!

Still standing

Big guy has become very proficient at pulling himself up to standing. He has even begun trying to stand without holding onto anything. It's really cute. So, yesterday big guy was leaning on hubs while we sat on the couch. He pushed himself off of hubs and stood. By himself! For about four seconds. Long enough for hubs and I to look at big guy and then look at each other. Cool!


I was thinking that big guy was striking me again over thanksgiving break. Every time I went to feed him I would have a panic attack. Was he going to eat? Was he going to scream instead? Turns out our entire break was him screaming while he was eating. I thought it was a new tooth. Nope. An ear infection. Nope. Perhaps another strike? hmmmm.

Today I was contemplating this and I think I thought of the answer. Maybe it wasn't a strike. Maybe he was readjusting how much he was eating. Which sucked for my ta-tas, but was good for him to be figuring out his food.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

I suspect

I suspect that big guy has another ear infection. Over the weekend he got his second tooth and was giving me a hard time eating, especially on lefty. I wondered if his right ear was bothering him, but then sunday he was fine. However, after yesterday's crazy hour of screaming and then a couple of ear tugs, I surmised that perhaps his ear was bothering him. And today my theory was confirmed because he's been yanking on it all day and very irritable! Looks like tomorrow we will be calling the Dr first thing!

UPDATE: The post should be called, I suspect I'm a crazy woman! Went to the Dr this morning and he is all clear! She checked his ears, throat, and chest and he is fine. I guess that screaming fit was just having a moment. She did suspect that the fussiness with lefty could be due to the difficulty of getting milk out. Which makes sense.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Turkey Day!

Big guy celebrated his first thanksgiving! We went to my friend's house with her family and had delicious food! Big guy feasted on sweet potatoes, turkey, rolls, and cheese. Yum!

Giving thanks

Today is turkey day. A day when I spend time with my loved ones and eat a lot. But my recent blogging and reading other ladies blogs has reminded me that today is a day to give thanks and be grateful for all that I have.

I am grateful to hubs, who even though he drives me nuts, I still love him dearly. And I'm grateful he makes me laugh everyday. And that he is a great hubs and dad. He is an awesome person and I need to remember that!

And I am insanely grateful for big guy. Who has brouht so much love and joy into our home. He is already an amazing person. Funny, smart, kind of feisty, adventurous, and beautiful! He is joy.

And I grateful to grandma Dino and grandma C for being such awesome grandmas! They really do rock! And to big guy's aunts who shower him with love. And to the awesome people I work with/friends who are great supports in this adventure called parenthood. They definitely keep me sane sometimes.

And I am definitely grateful for my job, my home, cable tv, and being able to have this life with hubs and big guy. Oh- and grateful to chocolate, mmmmm. Which is very important in helping me function.

I am truly blessed.

I scream. You scream. We all scream.

This week is thanksgiving. So it's been a bit funky. Due to my job, I had to be at work on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. So- big guy and I hung out on Tuesday during the day. It was a really lovely day. We ate, napped, went for a walk to the supermarket and just relaxed. Then I went to work. I fed big guy before leaving and planned on feeding him upon my return home.

However, big guy and hubs were passed out. I couldn't even get big guy to latch. Instead I pumped the meal he could eat the next day. When I came downstairs after unsuccessfully feeding big guy, hubs and I got into a fight. About food- what else? This is our major issue.

We resolved it and then had a great evening of eating junk food and watching a soccer game. This morning I went in for my half day and hubs stayed home with big guy. I came home around 11:30. Hubs and big guy came downstairs to greet me.

Then big guy burst into tears and cryed/screamed for an hour. Big crocodile tears. Red face. Throwing himself all over the place. Big guy rarely cries for no reason. We were puzzled and obviously worried. Was he hungry? Tired? Gassy? Injured? Was there a hair wrapped around his dingle? (ok- this was what hubs suggested- and apparently it happens a lot to baby boys and it hurts!)

After trying to feed him, nap him, bounce him, and stripped him naked- he calmed down a little. I fed him his yogurt while we sat on the floor of the living room. He then had a grand time eating puffs and figuring out how to get them out of the container himself. Finally- no tears.

The answer to what was wrong? No idea. Maybe it was everything. Maybe he was having a moment. The good thing is that as I write this- he is closing in on hour two of his afternoon nap. I am definitely looking forward to when big guy can say what is bothering him.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Tooth #2

Sunday morning brought with it relief from teething pain. The second bottom tooth popped out. At first just a corner, then I rubbed it with my finger for a while and it was out entirely by the end of the day. Big guy was in a much better mood. And now he has two cute bottom teeth!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

BF group

On saturday big guy and I went to BF group. We had the LC to ourselves for quite a while. She was very glad to hear all about how well big guy was doing and his 9 month appt. I told her about his grumpiness in eating and she said to keep trying. Most likely it was due to the teeth. But perhaps he was pissed that I went to get my hair cut and left for an hour. Babies! So fickle!

Anywho, she suggested that if he continues to do resist to pump and put it in a sippy cup. Then some other babies arrived and big guy terrorized them, as he is older, mobile, and loves going for the eyes! But he practiced being gentle with them. Always a good thing to practice.

When we got home he was nice and tired so I thought we would eat then nap. No such luck! He got so hysterical, he cried in his crib for a while before he fell asleep. While he slept, I pumped my filled girls. After the nap, I tried again, no dice. I brought him down still sobbing and gave him the sippy cup of milk. He gobbled it right down. It was really cute watching him drink from it. As I don't give him bottles, I've never seen the sleepy drinking.

Then at night, he ate and slept great. Sunday, the other tooth popped out!

Mama got a new computer!

Well, we got a new computer. the one big guy spit up on was almost completely dead. It's amazing how it's spiral downward happened so quickly. First the letters T and R didn't work. Then you couldn't use the mouse too well. Then none of the applications opened. Suddenly it wouldn't even start. That was fast! Behold the power of spit-up. It could solve the world's problems.

We scoped out the apple store and decided to just go for it. We went on saturday and of course get the one guy in the apple store who knows nothing about apple computers. But you have to be grateful to have a job now-a-days!

The new computer is so pretty and it's so much easier to blog then using the phone. So, mama got a new computer and big guy got a busted lap top and play with.

Oh no, not one of those days

Saturday was one of those days. One of those crappy days. Big guy was teething (more on that later) and giving me such a hard time with eating. At one point I had to pump and give it to him in a sippy cup! which I've never had to do, but he was so cute drinking from the cup- I can see how cute it must be to watch him drink from a bottle- which I've never seen!

ANywho, big guy was grouchy. He was putting up a fight to napping too! Then at bed time, I was just praying that he would eat and fall asleep. He started off well and then pulled back and screamed. Oh crap! I had to move quickly to get the big guy to finish eating, as I wasn't going to bed with filled ta-tas!

First, I started to sweat. Then I trapped lefty and big guy with my hands. Of course, big guy was in a back arch away, so I'm hunched over him. There's a hair itching my nose. My back starts to spasm on one side. Then my one foot fell asleep. My hand cramps. G-d, it's so hot! But the big guy ate and fell asleep. It was worth all the hard work.


Over the past few weeks, big guy and I have been practicing turning the lights on and off in the hallway. It began with big guy watching me turn them on and off with glee. Then big guy started smacking the light switch. Not really wanting to move them, but just out of joy. Then he started putting his forefinger and thumb on the switch and toying with me! Sure, he would put them there, but didn't push up or down.

Finally, this past weekend, he started moving the switches up and down. Of course this was followed with squealing and clapping. Then on monday night, he got a hold of the light switch next to the front door and started turning the light on and off about 30 times! Ah- another skill mastered!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Cheese please!

On thursday, I decided that big guy should try cheese for the first time. He had conquered yogurt (which hubs and I both love) and I figured he'd be a fan of cheese. Boy was I right! The kid loves cheese. I hadn't exactly planned on cheese being a new food, so I only had Crackerbarrel extra sharp aged cheddar. But if you are going to go new, you might as well go with the good stuff.

Big guy was wild for it. I broke it up into little chunks and he gobbled it up. He started shoving a bunch in his mouth at once, like a little squirrel. He really does want to feed himself, so I'm trying my best to let him feed himself as much as possible. And then I throw some puffs on his tray and he has a little cheese and cracker course. So Fancy!

9 month dr's appointment

Today we met with our favorite dr- dr W. She is just so fabulous! Apparently she was having a stressful day- lots of sick kids and hat we were the bright spot in her day. Awww. She checked big guy out. Amoxicillian worked- ears looked perfect. He's 30 inches tall. Still the same weight- which is now in the 50th percentile. We were worried, but dr W said that he calories he's taking in are just going to his height and that his genetics are kicking in- he's going to be tall and skinny!

We asked about food he was eating- she said wheat is a go- yay! And we can give egg yolks a try next month, and then egg whites. Eggy bread here we come! Dr W was also very impressed with all he was eating, doing developmentally, talking and she said that he was lovely. It was awesome. Good job big guy :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

9 months and 1st tooth

Today big guy turned nine months old! I feel like I just wrote about him turning eight months old. Well, we go home, he ate and hen we went and hung out with grandma Dino who had come to visit. And while he was playing with grandma, he cut his first tooth!! He is so old!

Introducing Hot Nasty Spice

On Sunday, hubs and I went to the Mac store to see about replacing our computer which is officially destroyed thanks to big guy and his spit up! After perusing the store and receiving compliments a plenty, we were leaving the parking lot when I smelled something. Something nasty. Something hot and nasty. I immediately yelled at hubs! He denied it! I then yelled did big guy lay an egg? Nope. I didn't believe either of them and proceeded to tell them that it smelled like hot nasty in the car!

Hubs and I burst out laughing. He says, "are you the newest spice girl? Hot Nasty!". Haha. He then launches into a scenario where we are on a reunion tour- um, the spice girls and I and I'm being introduced to come out. Now at this point we are home and big guy and I are sitting on the floor while he acts this out. Introducing sporty spice-with a karate kick. Introducing scary spice-'with a roar. Introducing baby spice- we hold big guy up. And welcome back from a long time ago- hot nasty spice- then he proceeded to bend over, grab his back and hobble on stage. Geez!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I feel like chicken tonight, like chicken tonight!

Sunday night I thought we would give chicken a try. Big guy had turned grumpy right before dinner, so I decided to postpone. So, i decided the chicken in he oven could wait until the next day. But when I took it out of the over and tasted it, it was really good. So I took a small piece and shredded it and out it on big guy's plate along with his green beans.

So a few mins later we are sitting and eating oatmeal and big guy is attempting to throw himself out of his highchair in an attempt to get the chicken. I thought- what the heck? And put a couple of pieces on his tray. And he devoured them! He was shoving the chicken in his mouth and chewing fast. Literally bouncing with joy! Excellent!

Big guy ate all the chicken, green beans, and oatmeal. Quite a feat! He tanked all of his meals during the weekend. And I'm sure my culinary prowess had something to do with it. Erm. Moving on. Big guy did remind me of hubs with his chicken devouring Makes me feel good that they both were chewing with their mouths open!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The zoo!

On Saturday the weather was beautiful- 65 and sunny. Hubs and I decided we should spend as much time as possible outside. We decided on the zoo! So, we suited up in sweatshirts and hit the road. Apparently, everyone else in the city had the same idea. Or at least every other person. Our cool side entrance was closed, seeing as it is off-season, and we actually got to use the main entrance.

Which means we got to go to the gift shop. And this means he hubs was finally able to buy big guy a rain stick! Yes, they still exist. Apparently. Of course we bight it and big guy was very curious about the sounds it made. Side note- when we got home, hubs was so excited that he mad evil guy play with it. Until he was holding over his head shaking it and rain stick particles were falling in big guy's eyes. Best $10.87 we've spent recently.

We hit up the tortoises first and ate some lunch while watching kids run around. Then some peahens and peacocks showed up. Those were fun! We saw the giant tortoises eating lettuce, tomatoes, and bananas. Yum!

Followin this we saw went to the big cats. We got up close and personal with some tigers. Picture to come soon- big guy puked on our laptop and it has since been on a death spiral. The tiger was leaning against the glass so big guy was tapping the glass and squealing in joy. At one point the tiger actually lifted its head in wonder of what could possibly be making that high pitched of a noise. Or a fly had landed on her. That's right, I was a mama tiger.

Following the big cats, we saw some bears and penguins. Overall, a fantastic day at the zoo. I'm sad that the weather is turning cold. No more outdoor adventures. But now we get to do some indoor adventures instead!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Prunes and Prune Juice

big guy was really pushing last weekend. Like really pushing to get out some poo. His face would turn red, he would grunt like he was playing tennis, and at one point he started making a fist in an attempt to get the poo out! So, I took action... in the form of prunes. We had a lovely bagel breakfast on sunday and I bought some prune juice. I did half prune juice, half water in the sippy cup. It was big guy's first juice- he loved it. Joke's on him, it was actually good for him.

Over the next several days, the poops started coming. THey were really thick. Then on wednesday- success! He had a huge blowout right before he left the nanny. Then he had another huge one before dinner. He looked so relieved and so was I. Then I decided that maybe every couple of days, big guy should have prunes. We hadn't had them yet. Turns out, he LOVES them! like a little birdie opening his mouth for more. Here's hoping he'll be more regular!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Turning pages

now that big guy has conquered the skill of opening the flaps on where's spot, he has decided to move onto turning the pages of the books we read! It was a pretty quick development, but he has decided that turning pages may be more fun then opening flaps.

Yo Baby!

On sunday, big guy, hubs, grandma dino and I went to the bertucci's for lunch. Oh, it was delicious. Big guy also got his first taste of Yo Baby yogurt. he loved it!! If you've never had yo baby, you are in for a treat, it's full fat yogurt, thick, delicious, and just a great food! I got the french vanilla flavored yogurt. Big guy had his first bite and loved it. He made this adorable little face, like yum! and then opened up his mouth for another bite.

The Lactation consultant said that he should have some yogurt at lunch time with his veggies and then fruit with breakfast. It was definitely a hit! and I get to eat the dregs. mmmm, full fat.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Clap Clap Clap Your Hands

On election day, we had a grandparents afternoon o' fun! first grandma dino came to visit and then grandma c and grandpa j stopped by. In the span of the afternoon, he perfected the clap! Um, clapping, you take it for granted, but it's a learned skill. He started clapping for everything. And sometimes for no reason.

Then when we would start saying Yay and clapping, he would look at us all confused, like, why are you people clapping, this is my schtick! And over the past week, he has just continued clapping, when we sing/dance, when he is eating dinner, when he sees daddy come home. And my personal favorite. When he wakes up in the morning and is sitting up in his crib. He sees me, starts clapping, and then raises his arms to be picked up. Swoon!

Election Day

election day, hubs took the day off to hang with big guy and me. It was an awesome day! Big guy and I took lots of naps, ate food, relaxed, and of course went to vote! This time there were a few more people there and big guy was smiling and charming all the volunteers. One particularly crumudingly old dude came over. I was sure he wasn't going to say anything, puts on a big smile and in a gravely voice says, "Hello beautiful!" It's amazing to me how babies can change people. Following voting, we went food shopping and I frankly went a little crazy. Mmmm, food.

Soiling your oats

I decided that I would start a posting series about funny/bizarre things the hubs says. he's insanely funny and the other day this happened: we were discussing our youth. Of course! And hubs was bringing up how he was quite the player in the past, his words, not mine. Anyway, he asked if he thought the big guy was going to be a prude like me. I said that I hoped so and that he wouldn't waste his youth goin' after some tail. Then hubs said that while I was watching tv as a teen, he was soiling his oats.

Moment of silence. I looked at him and said, that doesn't sound right!

I am a hair elitist

Many posts ago, I lamented the shedding of big guy's newborn hair. I can safely say that I love his baby hair now! Everyday when he wakes up it looks fuller. It's this lovely shade of dirty blonde with a reddish undertone. In photos it always looks red!

It's totally unruly- when be wakes up in the morning it is sticking in every direction! It's ling over his ears- like the beatles. The front tuft has a little swirl. It's super soft. It's just so fabulous.

Hubs always gives me a hard time bc I play with it so often. It's irresistible. And hubs wont let me mess with his hair! And it is hubs' hair- besides being unruly, growing really fast, and cute tufts, it's also really thick and takes forever to dry.

Ear infection

On Tuesday we went to see our pediatrician- dr W- who we love! Just as a precautionary follow-up to the ER visit. She said his head looked great. Hard head, like hubs! Who apparently used to cling a lot of trees and then fall out of them. Oof.

She noticed his runny nose and checked his ears. First ear infection! Poor bub! And of course he gave no indication that anything was wrong! We go back in two weeks for his nine month (!) appt. So now big guy is sucking down hot pink bubble gum flavored amoxicillan twice a day. He practically rips it out of my hand at night to eat it! In the morning I think it's too sweet for him, as he is much less excited to take it. First hit of sugar!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Millions of peaches

On Monday big guy started peaches. He ripped the spoon from my hand to get some more. They tasted very peachy to me, but without he yummy sweetness. The next day, he was less enthusiastic about eating them, but still finished them. Do you remember that song- millions of peaches? I sang it all week when feeding big guy!