This week is thanksgiving. So it's been a bit funky. Due to my job, I had to be at work on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. So- big guy and I hung out on Tuesday during the day. It was a really lovely day. We ate, napped, went for a walk to the supermarket and just relaxed. Then I went to work. I fed big guy before leaving and planned on feeding him upon my return home.
However, big guy and hubs were passed out. I couldn't even get big guy to latch. Instead I pumped the meal he could eat the next day. When I came downstairs after unsuccessfully feeding big guy, hubs and I got into a fight. About food- what else? This is our major issue.
We resolved it and then had a great evening of eating junk food and watching a soccer game. This morning I went in for my half day and hubs stayed home with big guy. I came home around 11:30. Hubs and big guy came downstairs to greet me.
Then big guy burst into tears and cryed/screamed for an hour. Big crocodile tears. Red face. Throwing himself all over the place. Big guy rarely cries for no reason. We were puzzled and obviously worried. Was he hungry? Tired? Gassy? Injured? Was there a hair wrapped around his dingle? (ok- this was what hubs suggested- and apparently it happens a lot to baby boys and it hurts!)
After trying to feed him, nap him, bounce him, and stripped him naked- he calmed down a little. I fed him his yogurt while we sat on the floor of the living room. He then had a grand time eating puffs and figuring out how to get them out of the container himself. Finally- no tears.
The answer to what was wrong? No idea. Maybe it was everything. Maybe he was having a moment. The good thing is that as I write this- he is closing in on hour two of his afternoon nap. I am definitely looking forward to when big guy can say what is bothering him.