Sunday, May 30, 2010

Let him cry it out

Big guy not sleeping was getting hard... on all of us. I called the Dr on friday and she let me know that I could let him cry, as long as I know that he isn't hungry, doesn't have gas, doesn't need a new diaper, isn't sick, or cold or hot, etc. Yikes. This was the beginning of Memorial Day weekend- the perfect time to give it a try. She also said to start putting him down drowsy, but hubs and I wanted to do one at a time. Friday night he goes to bed at nine. He wakes up at 12:oo, he felt cold, so I picked him up and put on his socks and long sleeve shirt. He falls asleep and I put him in bed. He gets up at 2:30 to eat, falls asleep and I put him in bed. He immediately starts crying. I pick him up and burp him, then back down-- still awake! He cries again. I pick him up and change his diaper. Back down and starts crying. I put five minutes on the phone and wait it out. Hubs didn't handle it so well. After he cries for the entire five minutes, I go over and pick him up and pat his back then put him back. He starts crying again and I put five minutes on the clock. After four minutes, he stops crying. He whimpers and squirms for a minute and then fell asleep for two more hours. Amazing!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Kitty Cat

Big guy saw the kitty cat for the first time the other day. She was meowing like crazy for some treats and he turned his head and saw her. He did his classic move of excitement- eyes get big, stands up really tall, and waves his arms in the air. It was really cute. Cat is semi-interested in him. She wants to sit wherever he sits and sniff him, but once he starts screaming or crying, she very wisely leaves. Big guy also smacked her in the face and she wasn't thrilled. I thought it was pretty funny though!


Big guy is a great smiler. He smiles all the time. Getting him to smile is the most fun and it's very rewarding. Who knew I could be so entertaining all the time? I was worried that he was only smiling at family members... me, hubs, grandparents, aunts, and uncle. Then I thought, well, maybe it's good that he is wary of strangers. Of course, as soon as I was comfortable with it, the plumber arrived. Big guy took one look at this plumber (handsome, tan, italian) and grinned! It was the first time he smiled at a stranger and when I told the plumber, he said other parents have said that to him also. Must be something... Then the next day, Big Guy was smiling at everyone and starting talking to another baby. The other baby remained silent, but Big Guy was having a great time! He's quite the chatty cathy, just like his parents.

Slept too soon

Big guy was sleeping like a champ for 3 weeks. It was wonderful. Now I'm thinking we spoke or slept too soon. For the past week, he has decided to wake up every hour. Then during the day sleeping all day. Hence the lack of posts. I finally called the Dr, as I was concerned. She thought it had to do with his congestion (the kid is a snot factory) and gas (he's slowed down to once a week!). Then on saturday he finally had a huge poo! yay! Sunday he slept great. I was sure we were past it, then thursday night hit and he only slept until 1:30. I can get him to that time, then he's done. Not sure what the deal is... Hoping we can sleep again as I return to work on wednesday. Being sleepy at work wouldn't be fun at all.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Weekend w/Best Friend

Best Friend (BF) came to visit this past saturday and we went to get pedicures. Only my second pedicure ever, but it was sooo nice. I got a turquoise-y blue color. It was so great having BF here, as she is totally awesome. We had some much needed time together and talked for hours on end. She is so great with the big guy- he was totally smitten! Funny moment of the day is when we are driving to the nail salon and she asked me a question about what the big guy and I did the other day and I said in a nice mommy-sing-songy voice "we had so much fun." Man, she cut me short with a "Do not talk to me like I'm a baby." HAHA. I didn't even notice. Better start talking like an adult before going back to work!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Election Day

Big guy and I voted today. We were the youngest by about 50 years!

Belly Laughs and Raspberries

Yesterday the big guy turned 3 months, which is crazy!!! In celebration we had a healthy dinner- pesto pasta with chicken and roasted veggies. After dinner, big guy did a belly laugh for hubs. I was so excited and secretly jealous hubs got to hear it first. But then big guy did about 7 of them for me and they are the best noise ever! And then he did a raspberry with lots of drool! Happy 3 months big guy!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Birth Story

Here is how it all went down!
At our 38 week appointment, the Dr let me know that I was 3cm and 80% effaced already! Dr said she didn't think I would make it to our next appointment, let alone my due date. Great news, except there was a HUGE blizzard coming to the area. Luckily, no work for several days due to amount of snow and I laid low, meaning very little walking that would send me into labor. I was almost sure I was going to give birth on Valentine's Day, but no action.
Night of 39 week appointment I was making the hubs dinner and I wet my pants... or so I thought. I ran upstairs in complete horror and it happens again. I yell at hubs that I'm incontinent and will be forever. Good thing hubs was calm and yelled back that it was probably my water breaking! We grabbed our hospital bag and camera and went to the Obgyn office. After scaring all the preggo ladies in the office and the scheduler about how I refused to pee in the cup. We go into the room and the Dr checks and sure enough, I'm in labor and dilated to 5cm! Off to the hospital.
After getting off on the wrong floor, hubs and I make it to labor and delivery. We had a totally great nurse- who was with us the entire time, as we were there for 12 hours. I got hooked up to the machines and was able to walk around. Hubs watched all the Tuesday night tv shows as we progressed. We hadn't been up that late in a long time! By 11 o'clock I was 7cm and in need of an epidural. Up until 7cm, I was pretty OK with the pain, but then it was awful. Truthfully, I was terrified of the needle. The anesthesiologist came in and did the epidural- but it didn't work! He was pissed and so was I! Then he tried again and stabbed me during a contraction and I almost turned around and punched him. This 20 minute period was the only time I got punchy and started to get loud. Following the epidural, I felt great and took a much needed nap.
By 3am I was fully dilated and ready to push. I pushed for about 2 hours before the Dr came in. I was worried that I wouldn't know when to push, but I still felt the urge to. I gave a final few pushes and the big guy entered the world on 2/17/10 at 5:27am at a whopping 7lbs 15 oz and 21 inches long. He was loud and angry. His cry was described as lusty! And his feet barely fit on the cards with the ink, they were that big. Then they put him into my arms and I was filled with love and joy and amazement that this little person was all mine.
And that is how my big guy came into the world!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Daytime TV

My maternity leave is almost sad! I've loved being home with the big guy. Every moment has been fantastic. Yes, even the tough moments. Watching him grow and change everyday has been amazing and even though I have the summer off with him, this has been a very special time. Which brings me to one other perk of 3 months off- daytime television. Good morning America, Regis & Kelly, Rachel Ray, and The View round out my morning in between diapers, nursing, playing, and napping. I'm so caught up on all reality tv shows, big news, and celebrity information. Then Ellen and Oprah finish my afternoon. Ah, so lucky- my big guy and tv!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mommy's Day

Today is my first Mother's Day. I've been so productive- it's been wonderful! Two loads of laundry, 1 banana bread, 6 banana bread muffins, 1 supermarket shop, 1 load of dishes, and 1 shower later, I'm ready to head to a friend's house for a fun dinner with the hubs and the big guy! What a relaxing and wonderful day. Being a mom is awesome!

Saturday, May 8, 2010


There are certain things I don't want to forget about the first three months of the big guy's life. How good he smells, like baby and a mixture of how the hubs and I smell. How when he was younger he made noises like a goat when he was hungry. How happy his smile makes me feel... though I'm sure this will continue to develop. How squirmy he is on his changing table. How he can find joy in simply looking at me when we talk. How fun he thinks the coffee maker section of the bed, bath, and beyond is. His hungry yelp, his tired cry, his red eyebrows. His chubby little wrists and warm belly. How he wants to stand and sit up all the time. How great his laughs, ah-goos, and gurgles are. How much fun it is to brush his hair into the "Republican" style. How he makes my world so much better. How he makes the hubs a better hubs. So much of this will continue, but it's nice to think of all of it now.

Poop 2.0

Update: The big guy went this morning on his own... as in I ate a ton of prunes and stayed really well hydrated! It was epic. Yay for fiber!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


I believe there are two kinds of people in the world. Those who care about poop and those who don't. Inevitably those who don't care become those who do care. When I was pregnant people said that all I'll think and talk about is poop and to get used to it. And I replied that I have a dog and cat, I already only talk about poop. Did the dog poop? When? How much? Color? Consistency? Was he happy after? Fast forward to now, same questions, only now for the big guy... who hasn't pooped since Monday! But Monday's poops were huge and plentiful! Guess who might be giving her first suppository today???

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


So, we are almost at 11 weeks with the big guy and last night I actually dreamed! Whichmeans REM sleep. Two of the past three nights, he has slept in his pack 'n play from 8pm-5am! Amazing! He's gotten up a couple of times to eat and just to fuss, but it's a huge improvement. This morning in the shower I thought of the difference between not sleeping now versus not sleeping when I was pregnant. Pregnant sleep was hard- peeing constantly, can't lie anyway but on your side, and all of a sudden you're just awake. I'd take all of those in exchange for the overwhelming exhaustion of the past 2 months. The big difference is that now I'm actually doing something, instead of visiting the toilet- which I still do quite a bit of! Feeding, rocking, soothing, walking, oh the endless walking. Even if we have a good night or not, the smiles the next morning wipe away the sleepiness.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

THAT mom

Ok, I know we are supposed to be nice, but do you ever run into that mom at the park, supermarket, or anywhere else who swears she has the BEST baby? I run into this mom of a 1 month old every week at our BF support group who from the time she was born has never cried, eats on a schedule, sleeps through the night, and she's back in pre-baby clothes already! Sometimes I imagine throwing a baby toy at her... assuming the baby won't miraculously catch it with super human abilities. Sigh... at least my son is cuter than her daughter. Anyone else know THAT mom???