Saturday, May 8, 2010


There are certain things I don't want to forget about the first three months of the big guy's life. How good he smells, like baby and a mixture of how the hubs and I smell. How when he was younger he made noises like a goat when he was hungry. How happy his smile makes me feel... though I'm sure this will continue to develop. How squirmy he is on his changing table. How he can find joy in simply looking at me when we talk. How fun he thinks the coffee maker section of the bed, bath, and beyond is. His hungry yelp, his tired cry, his red eyebrows. His chubby little wrists and warm belly. How he wants to stand and sit up all the time. How great his laughs, ah-goos, and gurgles are. How much fun it is to brush his hair into the "Republican" style. How he makes my world so much better. How he makes the hubs a better hubs. So much of this will continue, but it's nice to think of all of it now.

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