Last week, big guy started really attempting to figure out this whole crawling thing. He was sleeping pretty crappily and really wanted to only be on his belly. so much so that on friday he was spitting up after eating b/c he didn't want to do anything else besides be on his belly!
On saturday he really put a lot of effort in. He figured out how to apply counter pressure on his hands so he could push his butt into the air and balance on his knees. Then he would rock back and forth and launch himself forward onto his belly, like a little goldfish. And when he's not pushing himself up this way, he is on his belly army-crawling in every direction. He is untrustworthy alone and on any surface.
I'm fairly certain that he's got a couple more days of non-crawling. THen the hubs and I will be in trouble b/c our house isn't baby proofed. And the kitty cat will definitely be in trouble. I'm also positive that his first moving target will be her. I would feel bad for her, but she's been howling and waking us all up at 4:30 for a few weeks. Jerk cat.
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