This weekend will go down as the worst we've had since big guy was born. Everything went wrong his weekend. Any plans we had went awry and big guy got sick and then launched himself off our bed! Wait, I'm getting ahead of myself.
Saturday we wanted to go do fun stuff. Instead, big guy was grouchy, tired, and I was starting to wean him from one BF session to a lunch. It was tough on the ta-tas, but big guy handled it well. So, we got nothing accomplished. No cleaning, no activities, no sleep.
Sunday- a new day! Big guy wakes up with a runny nose and a cough. No biggie, this is his third cold. We were supposed to go to my friend J's house for Halloween festivities- but no one was feeling it. We cancelled. But there was still candy in our future. Big guy was being a tough napper, hubs and I were bickering. Then came our afternoon nap. It was awesome! However, it ended when big guy launched himself off our bed when he was waking up. And landed on his head! Loud thump, screaming baby, hubs freaking out, and me trying to remain calm.
When hubs was freaking out and saying something sasnwrong with his face then I started to freak out! I was most worried bc I couldn't see what was wrong with him. I think I just kept yelling- I broke him! After hubs drove like a psycho to the ER, big guy was looking at me like whats the problem? We walk in and he smiles at the first woman he sees. Now I know he is ok!
We got in very quickly and the dr was there fairly soon. His blood pressure, pulse, temperature and weigh were all fine. The dr was concerned bc he landed on the corner of his head- where the edge of your eyebrow goes into your hairline. Apparently there is a large artery there- so big guy got his first CAT Scan! He looked so tiny in he machine! Results came back fine- skull, brain, and arteries all looked good. No concussion. He was fine. I was fine. Hubs was still all freaked out.
We went home and fed big guy and put him to bed. Hubs and I had a big talk about our son and how we aren't going to be able to protect him from everything. In he end, we were all ok. And I am so glad October is over!
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