Thursday, March 31, 2011

I might be losing my mind

Everyone has heard of mommy brain. But I think I've moved onto a whole new level of crazy. In the past three days, I've done three stupid things that have all worked out ok. but I seriously feel off my game. And I barely feel on my game as it is!

On tuesday, I came home, showed hubs something on my phone and then put my phone down. I then couldn't find my phone for two hours! that's right, it was gone. I looked for it. Hubs looked for it. Grandma Dino looked for it. No luck. We tried calling it. We tried retracing my steps. It was gone. And I had no idea where it was. Until I was finally settling big guy into his seat for dinner when Dino called one last time and I saw it light up underneath big guy's giant yellow truck. Um, how did it get there?

Yesterday, it was pretty cold out, far to cold for a walk. I decided to drive big guy and I to the train station to pick up hubs. It would get us out of the house and calm big guy down. I grab my phone (yay), big guy's hat & sweatshirt, my sunglasses and out the door we go. As I hear the slam that assures me the door is locked I realize- I didn't grab my keys. That's right. Locked out of the house! Panic! Luckily my car wasn't locked, so we hung out in there before securing plans to go to the neighbor's house across the street. We hung out with them for an hour before hubs got home. Ok, something is seriously wrong with me.

Today, after a crappy night of sleep, in which big guy had to get nebulized at 2am, but was up from 1am-3:30am, I ran from the house to work in clothes I found on the floor and was unshowered. I had slept on the couch. Work is exhausting. mainly because I'm exhausted and have a cold- thanks big guy! I get into my car at the end of the day and see that I left my wallet sitting on the passenger seat all day. In the middle of a parking lot. Oy! I'm losing my mind.

I suppose it could be mommy brain, coupled with three nights of bad sleep, on top of a cold. I'm really hoping it's that and not that I am going insane!! And I'm glad to report that I haven't lost or misplaced big guy. Thank goodness!

Friday, March 25, 2011

The wheels on the bus

*This is not an endorsement for Skype, however, if they would like to pay me- I'd happily take some cash!*
Almost every afternoon- after our bath and before dinner, big guy and I skype with Aunt M. She's currently out of state, but skype allows us to see and talk to her! And can I say that big guy loves seeing Aunt M! often times, big guy is really grouchy when we call, just from general exhaustion from his day, but Aunt M always gets him to smile.

She's also a nice extra set of eyes when I'm preparing dinner. I just aim the computer in his general direction and she can talk to me and interact with him. And also let me know what he's doing- like if I should be concerned!

Inevitably, hubs isn't home in time for dinner, so Aunt M joins us at the kitchen table. She just loves watching him eat and all the funny things he does during dinner. She's especially helpful when big guy starts getting antsy in his seat. She does the best rendition of "The wheels on the bus..." I've ever heard. I mean, this bus sounds a little wacky, but it instantly calms big guy down during eating. And above is one of her favorite pics from big guy eating sloppy joes a few weeks back. Yes, he is that messy!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sensitive skin

Big guy is getting to the age and size (considering he wears 18 month clothing) where we are leaving the world of onesies and moving into the world of t-shirts. Sniff, sniff. I am truly sad. It's not that I will desperately miss those fun crotch snaps. In fact, it's very hard to chase a toddler while trying to snap them! It's just that he looks so darn cute running around in just a onesie. And I always feel secure that even if his diaper is a bit loose, the onesie will hold it somewhat in place.

Not so much with a t-shirt. Some advantages to t-shirts I've discovered... very easy to slip over the head, really cute designs- I recently bought one that says, "Sly as a" and then there is a pic of a fox! hehe. And one of the best things about t-shirts if that big guy's delicious belly is always available for a rub. It's so soft and warm, and so rub-able!

So, what's my biggest issue with t-shirts?? I'm afraid that big guy has inherited hubs's sensitive skin. That's right, hubs has sensitive skin. It gets irritated by anything- mostly from being in proximity to me- or so hubs would claim! Kidding. But big guy had just a t-shirt on the other day and when I went to change him for bed, his belly had little dots and was all red. Like he had gotten a minor case of rug burn- which could be true, he's insanely active. It happened again the other day and ah-ha, it makes me feel better to at least give a reason. It's definitely on my list for his 15 month appt. As is the discussion about starting discipline. Bum, bum, buuum!

What we've been up to- in pictures

Here are some recent pics of the big guy doing some super cute stuff:

Licking the inside of a gerber food lid. What do you think? Next gerber baby???

Big guy has discovered the trash can/ recycling can. This was harmless- a bagel chip. Today were my keys in the trashcan. Hmmm, time to lock up that toilet seat!

Post-bath naked time playing. Such nice afternoon light!

The famous sleepy headstands! And yes, those are Thomas the Train PJ bottoms!

Same bottoms- only earlier in the evening after dinner. Big guy has always enjoyed putting his feet up. This was a nice relaxing cookie w/ milk!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Happy Bday to me!

Tuesday was my bday! I turned the big 2-9! That's right, the last year of the twenties. WHich I am really happy about, I've heard the thirties rock. I had a great night- hubs, big guy, and I had sloppy joes for dinner (a family favorite) and basically hung out and relaxed. I got from Grandma Dino- a new chain for my necklace, as big guy accidentally broke it while we were having a tickle fight one day. Hubs got me a new camera!!! Yay, a nice small one I can pop in my pocket for when we go places. I'm so excited to start taking pics. And of course my best gift was from big guy- who made me a card. but only after hubs told everyone at big guy's school that it was my bday!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Purim Carnival

Big guy went to his first Purim carnival on sunday. We celebrated with Grandma C, Grandpa J, and Uncle I at their synagogue. We arrived a little after 11am. I was a little worried that big guy might freak, it was really loud and there were a lot of people. But big guy was totally at ease. He loved seeing all the big kids running around. The canter and the rabbi were rocking out with some guitars. There was decorate your own crowns- where big guy tried to swallow some fake jewels- but did have fun with all the colorful feathers. He was totally chill around the balloon Hamans that were being popped. There was a little play kitchen that was really fun- with a ton of fake food. Overall, it was a great first Purim carnival. And we'll definitely dress up next year!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

It was such a beautiful day... except for all that puke!

Big guy in his new hat at the duck pond!
Big guy exploring the outside world.
Big guy possibly eating a leaf? or bug? mmm, nature.

We had our follow-up at the DR about the nebulizer. He sounded great! And I was given the thumbs up to start decreasing the amount per day that he was getting it, with the idea of stopping all together by monday. Great news! Even better was that friday was the next day and it was supposed to be gorgeous! Mid to upper 70's, sunny, and big guy was going to spend the day with Nanny- duck pond here we come! Of course, things never work out the way you expect.

Friday morning started out really nicely, we got up early, nebulized and were eating some cinnamon raisin toast w/ cream cheese, our norm. However, by the time I got to work, disaster. I'm about to open my office door when I get a phone call from hubs. Who is screaming hysterically. Big guy just threw up all over the kitchen. Crap. After two different phone calls trying to calm hubs down (apparently men aren't good with throw up), Nanny is there and has cleaned up the kitchen floor, taken big guy up for a bath, and hubs is slightly more calm. Funnily, if Nanny's train hadn't been late, she would have been the one puked on.

After I burst into tears at work-geez, I must be going for a record this year- I call the dr's office and the nurse says she thinks it is from coughing and trying to get out all the mucus. Ok, sigh of relief- not another tummy bug. He sleeps until about noon and then wakes up and pukes again- but it's all mucus! Slightly reassured, but still nervous, I head home around 1ish, as does hubs.

By the time I get home he was in a great mood and preparing for a walk to the duck pond. We start drinking small amounts of milk and stroll down to the pond, with a stop at the bagel store first, for a plain bagel. We then spent the rest of the day outside at the duck pond- omg- big guy is so cute in his new sun hat. He loved the duck pond and seeing the geese. He actually cried when we started to leave. Then we ate dinner on the deck and big guy strolled barefoot in the yard. It was a great night, capped by blowing bubbles- hubs is an amazing bubbler.

Big guy was exhausted by 6, so we went to bed early. I gave him a small amount of milk, about 5 oz, and he was peacefully asleep. Until he started screaming, coughing, and then puking all over our bedroom floor. Yikes, it was gross and smelled like feta cheese. Poor thing was so tired, he slept in bed with me. And got pedialyte throughout the night when he woke up. I'm glad the mucus is out, but the day definitely could have done without the puke!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

High Five

A couple of weeks ago, big guy figured out how to give a high five. I think they practice it at school and I know hubs had been giving lessons for a while. But it was really cute and a very big boy move to give a high five.

Officially walking!

My baby is officially a toddler! Big guy has been taking independent steps at home for about a month. A few steps here and there. This week has been dramatic. On monday, in the midst of this illness/nebulizing he was walking a ton, usually when he was really excited to hold onto a toy and not paying attention to the fact that he was walking. But he was not showing any indication of wanting to walk at school.

On wednesday, I pick big guy up from school and the teacher says, "guess what?" "Big guy walked today!" Yup! My big man is now a walker. She just put him down and said, "Go on, you can walk." And he just toddled himself down the hall. I was ecstatic, plus he had done it with his sneakers on- even more impressive. We came home- nebulized and then were eating a snack. I put him down to go wash my hands and he was standing and then just walked over to me. Ta-Da!

And now he walks everywhere- except when chasing the cat- which he still does on all fours, since he is still faster that way. Some funny things I've noticed about beginning to walk. They really to toddle from side to side. He kind of looks like frankenstein, with his arms out when he is going for something he wants. And he totally only looks forward, so if there is anything in his path, he kicks/trips on it!

Monday, March 14, 2011


Friday morning, big guy woke up with a cough. It sounded like he was a pack a day smoker. Very dry. Very forceful. But he had a great day with Grandma C and slept great during nap time and at night. Saturday came and the cough was still there. Hubs had something to do in the morning, so big guy and I were left to our own devices. Big guy and I were going to go to the farmer's market, but our walk turned a little cold, so we made a pit stop at the Cosi. Mmmm, hot chocolate. We went to the park in the afternoon- big guy loves slides- headfirst- of course! And then another walk at night.

Clearly, we may have done too much. But it was sooo nice out, we had to take advantage. Before big guy went to bed he started wheezing. Uh-oh. We were worried about another night of croup, but the after-hours nurse assured us the cough wasn't croupy. Big guy again slept great, and wasn't wheezing at night. Ok... Sunday came and he was wheezing from the moment he woke up. Crap.

We decided to take it easy and stay close to home. Big guy wasn't feeling well. Very tired, grumpy, hard time sleeping, and breathing. This morning, I call the Dr and off to the office we go. Yup- he's wheezing. Time for the nebulizer! The Dr. wants to do one treatment in the office, to show me how to use it, and to hear his chest afterwards. No biggie.

But then the nurse- who was super nice and calm, brings it in and big guy FREAKS OUT! He starts screaming at the top of his lungs, crying, punching, kicking, essentially trying to get as far away from the mask as possible. Then the nurse took over. I tucked his legs into mine, held his arms down, and the nurse held his head and mask. He cried for about two more minutes and then fell asleep. it was really pathetic.

When it was done, he was still asleep. I put him on my shoulder and he slept through the Dr. re-checking with her stethoscope, talking about directions for the nebulizer, me setting up the follow-up appt on Thursday, putting everything in the car, getting into the car seat, driving home, getting out of the car, and getting into bed. He was really tired. I was not looking forward to subsequent nebulizer times. But I forewarned hubs and we put on one of big guy's favorite little shows- Wonder Pets- and he calmly sat on my lap watching it for 10 mins with his mask on. G-d, I love tv.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Let's climb some stuff!

Big guy has started his next dangerous discovery- climbing! That's right, big guy is now tall enough to start climbing onto every surface he sees- the couch, kitchen chairs, his cute stool, into laundry baskets... Yes, big guy loves laundry. What could be more enticing then a laundry basket- it's just the right height for pushing, you can use it as a walker, you can knock it over, you can put stuff in it and take stuff out of it, including yourself! Big guy has started this new routine of climbing into the baskets, throwing everything out, and then climbing out. Hmmm, I guess I didn't anticipate him putting this climbing out skill with his climbing off skill he uses with his blue horse. In a relatively short amount of time, he has mastered safely getting in and out. Which is definitely good. Now if he could only put that safety mindset to everything else he climbs!

Friday, March 11, 2011


Seeing as I'm a girl and have a sister, I'm not too familiar with how boys play. Hubs is the great educator who lets me know that what the big guy does, is indeed totally normal, b/c he's a boy! For instance, when I was a kid, I played quietly with barbies. There was also this Dream Cruise ship my sister had that she would never let me play with. Not that I'm still bitter about it or anything.

Anyway, our living room has a step down into the bathroom/closet area and into our kitchen. Over the past few months, big guy has started to have fun by pushing toys off the steps. When we got big guy his big yellow truck, he learned how to walk it all the way to the step, then kneel down, and safely push the truck over the edge.

And then, big guy has developed the habit of now wanting to knock things over onto their backs. Our cute stool that Grandma Dino got him, kitchen chairs, even the stroller. Let's see how gravity really works! And then he topped it all. Yesterday, he not only pushed over a chair, he also pushed it off the step. Whoa! Big crash. I have started calling him "Destructicon" and am assured this is completely normal boy behavior!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

We did a lot last weekend

Last weekend the family did a lot of new stuff. Hubs, grandma Dino, big guy and I went on a car trip! woo-hoo! My best friend, Aunt A is having a baby! yay!! And I was throwing her a baby shower in Virginia. So, we loaded up the car and drove down. The drive down ended up perfect b/c I timed it so big guy was up but sleepy. And at the first rest area, we had a nice big breakfast of oatmeal, bananas, and cheerios (our norm) and then back into the car where everyone passed out for the next hour and a half.

It was glorious, no one complaining, no one having to pee, and no one commenting on how fast I was driving. We made great time. Big guy also said "dog" for the first time. Too cute. Aunt A has a dog and he just saw her and said, "dog." And then he just kept saying it all weekend. The weekend previous we had gone to Grandma Dino's house and he was saying "gad," like he had the letters right, but not in the correct order. And he loved sharing all the snacks with Max, the collie. Big guy would eat a bite, then give one to Max. Then he would pry open Max's mouth looking for the snack. It was hilarious and big guy thought so, too!

Also this weekend, big guy started helping pull his pants up. Which is funny, b/c he's been helping with shirts for months and he loves taking his pants off. He lifts each leg up to get it out. But he was sitting on dino's lap and she was putting pants on and he grabbed a pant leg and pulled up! Speaking of lap climbing, big guy climbed onto my lap the other day with a book and handed it to me to read. It was such a big boy move, I was actually in shock! And now he does it all the time. My little man is getting so big. I can't believe last year at this time, he was attached to my boob non-stop and I was a complete mess. Well, I guess I'm still a mess, but at least not lactating!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Everything old is new again

Big guy has started re-discovering toys and skills he hasn't used in a while. Which is really cute. Big guy has started wanting to be in charge of turning on and off the lights in the morning and at night. Extra cute bonus points for when he smiles and points at the lights after turning them on. Big guy has also found some of his old toys. His cool crocodile w/ blocks, grandma dino's ladle that we "borrowed." And our exercise mat with the cool giraffe. Suddenly, everything old is new again!

Oh, and some new skills have recently developed that built off of old skills. big guy has always had this fascination with my colander. It's stainless steel, which of course is extra cool, besides having holes, reflects everything. Big guy has gotten the skill of taking things out of containers very well. But just this past week, he has mastered putting things into containers! Yay, now we can start helping pick up at the end of the night. Now, big guy will sit in the kitchen while I cook dinner and put the spatulas and spoons into the colander and then take them out. This is definitely a great milestone!

Indian Chief

I suppose this title is a bit politically incorrect. The other day big guy started doing his normal yells of joy and discovered that if he moves his arm up and down over his mouth, his yells of joy suddenly become really cool! Now we do a lot of talking while moving our arm. And he thinks it's really funny when I start to yell (quietly) and put my hand over my mouth a bunch of times, just like how kids pretend to be Indian chiefs.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Head standing

Big guy has always had this funny habit of pushing the top of his head and face into the bed/pillow/person/whatever is soft and near when he is sleepy. It's his way of settling himself down. As big guy has gotten more mobile, he has started to lift his butt into the air. It's all very cute, especially when he's bottomless! Now, big guy has figured out how to do head stands. So, he puts the top of his head on the floor, his hands on either side and then pushes his butt straight up. Voila! It's especially cute when he isn't sleepy and doing it all clumsily. If he does it on the floor, I'll go around to face him and do the same thing. Much to his delight!