Friday, March 11, 2011


Seeing as I'm a girl and have a sister, I'm not too familiar with how boys play. Hubs is the great educator who lets me know that what the big guy does, is indeed totally normal, b/c he's a boy! For instance, when I was a kid, I played quietly with barbies. There was also this Dream Cruise ship my sister had that she would never let me play with. Not that I'm still bitter about it or anything.

Anyway, our living room has a step down into the bathroom/closet area and into our kitchen. Over the past few months, big guy has started to have fun by pushing toys off the steps. When we got big guy his big yellow truck, he learned how to walk it all the way to the step, then kneel down, and safely push the truck over the edge.

And then, big guy has developed the habit of now wanting to knock things over onto their backs. Our cute stool that Grandma Dino got him, kitchen chairs, even the stroller. Let's see how gravity really works! And then he topped it all. Yesterday, he not only pushed over a chair, he also pushed it off the step. Whoa! Big crash. I have started calling him "Destructicon" and am assured this is completely normal boy behavior!

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