So it's spring break- hence why I've been incognito!! Having way too much fun- sleeping, eating, going to the park, duck pond, the zoo... but more on that later. Here is an update on some of the cool things big guy has been up to recently.
Big guy has recently discovered how to work locks. Not in a scary I have to bolt my doors kind of way, but in an experimental discovery way. He likes to play with the lock on the sliding glass door. lock, unlock, lock, unlock. it's so fun watching him figure it out.
big guy has also recently started having a lot of fun with the cooking utensils. Spatulas, spoons, the strainer and his greatest love- my stainless steel colander. big guy could play with that colander all night. everything goes into the colander. Then we stir everything with the whisk. Then take everything out of the colander with a scream of joy. It has allowed me to actually start making dinner in a semi-normal way.
And finally, I got a new camera!!! woo-hoo. it's super small and super cute. I'm still working out how to take the best pics, but here are a few that I really love from the past few weeks

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