Jedi Sword Tricks
Big guy has three new favorite things to play with- crayons, sticks, and toothbrushes. All long and pointy, and super fun. Crayons are probably the ones he's not totally convinced of yet. I want to get him some really fat crayons that will be easy to hold, but have yet to see any. I did get him a box of medium thickness that work on a mini-whiteboard. He's definitely into the crayons when I hold the whiteboard up for him. Mostly he likes to throw the crayons out of the little snack box I keep them in. And one day he drew all over the sliding glass door- oops!
Next in line for like-ability would be sticks. (you thought I was going to say toothbrush- I know it!) when we walk to the duckpond- we find lots of sticks that we carry with us, hit against the ground, and essentially practice our jedi sword tricks!
And our most favorite new thing is the toothbrush. This kid loves to brush his teeth. And he has two toothbrushes- a baby one and one that I was going to use, but that he usurped! Big guy will point at the cabinet that we keep it in and kind of grunt at it. Then he demands his baby toothpaste be put on both toothbrushes. He also loves his fluoride and will point to it also. It smells like a beef bouillon cube, so I guess it must taste better- b/c big guy slurps it up!
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