Last night I was making chili with ground chicken. big guy helped me add the chopped peppers to the pot- very carefully away from the heat. He was surprisingly thorough in picking up each and every straggler-pepper. I love this new interest in cooking. He already loves shopping for food, but now he's going to be even more invested in helping make dinner and thus in eating it!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Mommy's helper
big guy has been a big help to me this week with... cooking! Do I have a budding chef on my hands, possibly. But I definitely have a little buddy to help. It all started when I was making some banana bread muffins last week. Big guy was very interested in the bananas to begin with. Then he wanted to see what I was up to. So, he helped me measure the sugar. And actually dipped the measuring cup into the flour!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Back to school
Big guy started school again yesterday. I was worried that the day would go badly- crying, hysterics, etc. Turns out I was worried for nothing. he had a totally fabulous day. No tears, fell asleep on a mat on the floor like a big boy with no problems, played with trucks. It was great... except that some kid bit him! And then in retaliation, big guy bit a different kid. Maybe it was some kind of hazing ritual?!
Anyway, the teacher and director were all weird talking to me about it. I was thinking at the time, why the F**k are you speaking to me like I should be doing something? He didn't bite anyone when he was home with me for 8 weeks! Like I said weird. And I was all hostile afterwards. And I'm pretty sure the teacher is an idiot. She didn't give him his yogurt for lunch. So instead he ate pretzel sticks and strawberries for lunch. Um, what?
Today was better. I called midday and there were no incidents. I also asked about this giant kid (the one who hit him in the face the other day & who I'm also sure was a part of this biting circle) was moving soon- I was assured- monday. Whew!
So when I went to pick him up today his report was good. He was just waking up on his mat- he came over and gave me a big hug. It was awesome. And I said, you had a good day? And he said, Yeah! Then the teacher gave me his sippy cup from yesterday that I forgot and I was like, oh, where's his cup from today? "Your husband didn't give me a cup." Great, so big guy only drank a juice box today. grrrr. I open up the bag and there are the extra diapers for his room. Oh, she didn't notice those either or the sippy cup underneath filled with milk?! Omg, she is an idiot.
She actually commented that hubs didn't say anything to her about the diapers. I was like, he's a man, men don't do stuff like that. I told her to always look in his bag if something is missing. I'm hoping she will. Big guy tanked his milk before we had left the parking lot. The good thing is that he's having a great time. And he's been in a great mood with me at home. Good weather, going outside to play, eating dinner. It's been awesome!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
New on our front
Ok, it a weather pun. This week brought with it some wild weather for our area at least. Tuesday there was an earthquake. Nothing serious where we were, but a first for me. and big guy, who slept through it. And this weekend we had a hurricane- strong winds, tons of rain, and a sick hubs. It was a sad scene.
I was in charge of a toddler trapped by the rain, the cat (who got out two hours before the rain started!), the sick hubs (who was quarantined in the other room with video games and movies), packing up the outside for the oncoming weather, doing my normal chores (dishes, laundry, general cleaning), and taking care of the fish (oops- saturday night I found the orange fish dead).
Luckily, everything worked out, except for the fish. And big guy slept through the hurricane as well. The only time he woke up was at midnight and 12:30 when our power flickered on and off and the sump pump made a really loud noise. Thank goodness this weekend is over. I'm bushed! I am sad that big guy has to go back to school tomorrow, but we will all be ok.
Friday, August 26, 2011
old man in the making?
big guy has recently been on a fiber kick. I mean we eat a lot of fiber in our house anyway, but I think he's decided to go right to the old man foods. Raisins- he'll suck 'em down until I take the container away. Raisin bran- and not that he eats just the raisins... he actually likes the flakes when they are all soggy (which is also how I prefer cereal, too). And most recently- fiber one cereal with milk- flakes, honey clusters, both at the same time. He's a fan! I wonder if he'd eat a whole prune, hmmm, an experiment for the future!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Some cuteness
Monday, August 22, 2011
Big guy's obsession with trains has suddenly skyrocketed! Before we would watch Thomas the Train on sunday mornings and he would be interested- a couple whoa's, but not too much fanfare. But over the past two weeks, big guy has learned that trains = Choo choo noises! Which are totally fantastic if you are a toddler!!!
When we went up to the strasburg railroad, the hubs took video of one of the trains and it puffs, whistles, and choo-choo's. Hubs put it on youtube and big guy is really into it. And then we just started watching other steam engine train videos and voila- obsession. We heard a little boy call a train a choo-choo, so I started saying it to big guy and now he says it all the time. When he wakes up in the morning, "choo-choo!" And even cuter- he does the little hand movement of pulling the string to make the noise. You know- bent elbow, fist in the air, pulling down. so precious. And he will point at the computer and say choo-choo b/c he knows that is where we watch them.
The other day we were picking up hubs from the train and we got there early to sit on the bench and watch some trains. OMG- I think we should just go sit at the train station for an activity. We saw two trains pass before hubs's train came. Full on joyful screams and choo-choo screams with the hand motion.
Right before hubs's train, a mom with two little ones came. Her older son was probably four years old and was talking about the trains. Big guy did his arm pump and choo-choo to show off. The mom asked how old he was and I told her- 18 months. She did a surprise face (which most people give me b/c he's so big) but she said she was really impressed that he understood the hand movement and the noise meant a train! Wow- another mom was impressed with him. I beamed! Mensa, here we come ;)
The end
Summer is coming to a close. School is about to start and I'm truly sad. I have had a wonderful summer, much better than last year. And I thought last year was pretty fabulous! Today, after two nights of bad sleep and rain/being trapped indoors all day yesterday, I thought it would be fun for big guy and I to hit up the really cool Smith Playground again. It was going to be nice out- sunny in the mid 80's.
We got there just as it was opening... or so I thought. A huge sign hanging at the entrance says closed on mondays. Bullsh*t- the website said open all week from 10-4. Extremely pissed off, I made the choice to head to the zoo- since it was only 5 mins away and I didn't want to keep big guy in the car any longer, seeing as he was getting whiny and squirmy back there.
I didn't really want to go to the zoo. Our last visit was so pleasant that I had wanted that one to stick in my mind. I knew this wouldn't be as enjoyable. We went to the children's zoo and pet some goats and fed the ducks. We ate any early lunch, which big guy surprisingly was good for. We ran around the treehouse for half an hour- it was my attempt for him to get out his energy that he would have expelled at the park. And we saw the tiger up close again.
Around 12:30 I decided it had been enough. Big guy was in his stroller munching on some pirate's booty- a family fav. We got to the car and I had to change his diaper. I knew this would cause problems for me, seeing as getting big guy into his car seat is trouble enough these days, without changing a diaper first. Big guy was standing on his seat trying to push the diaper off- hmmm, need to get that tiny potty started! So, I handed him part of a banana- which he also surprisingly took and started eating. I had the car running but two doors were open, so it was cool in the car, but also breezy. Big guy was content, so I busted out my yogurt that I didn't have a chance to eat yet.
And big guy and I had a mini picnic. It turned out to be the nicest part of our morning. We were talking about bananas and monkeys. Enjoying each other's company. I trickily got him into his seat and belted up, all the while giving him the second half of the banana (it's fun watching him eat bananas now b/c I don't have to cut them but can just give him half at a time). I looked at him and yes got a little misty when I said, "I love you. I have had a great summer. I can't wait for next summer." He gave me a big banana-y grin in response. It has been a great summer :)
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Yeah and Nah
Big guy has figured out the meaning of the word NO! Scary yes, but oh so cute. He hasn't started saying the actual word, but instead will shake his head no and say, "nah!" It's so adorable. Even when he's sealing his lips shut at something I'm trying to persuade him to eat. I just find it so cute that I have to laugh, which probably encourages the behavior. But it also gives me a clue that he knows what I'm asking. Even if I get the "nah" more often than the "yeah," which is his yes.
The yeah only comes out sporadically. Most often if it's been a while if I've asked about something. But it's so cool when he says it- like if I ask if he's going to play with his trucks when he's walking over to them, "Yeah." His language development is moving at such a great speed, it makes me wonder- Are mini-sentences next?
Friday, August 19, 2011
Guest Post: I hate this week
What a week. It was not a good week (and I'm not including work here, and that wasn't that great either). So, I started off of the week with no hot water in the shower. I went, hmm, I wonder why it went out. I checked the pipe to the shower and it looked fine (I'm not sure what fine is, but it didn't look like it was bursting). Then, I think, it rained a lot on Sunday, why don't I go downstairs into our basement and see if the power went out, or something...
SOMETHING was definitely the understatement. Our basement was under two feet of water. The sump pump not functioning whatsoever. Damn you basement! I panic, scream, dance around the house and wife looks at me and says go to the Depot and get something to fix it. I swing by the Depot's tool rental center and rent a water pump. I make it back home, slush my way through our electrical charged water hoping I don't die and pump the water out. Then, I went to work. I get back home, basement is filled again and I pump again. Eventually, basement is clear. Appliances (washer, dryer, heater, de-humidifier destroyed, or so I think). I wait until everything dries and then, miraculously, it works. Life is good.
Later that evening, we go to the pool, swim around with big guy and wife. Eat hot dogs. Laugh. Sing. Life is back on track. We get back home and shit, where did my wedding ring go. Oh, I lost it at the pool. Go back to the pool, not there. Go home, depressed. Cat comes to snuggle with me. She purrs softly, then runs moves to the floor and then she has a seizure. A full out seizure, her tail puffs up, her back legs are fixed in an outstretched position and her front pawls are running in place; she is completely gone. She eventually calms down, we call my vet-in-law and she tells us to watch her for 48 hours to see if she is ok. She is. Phew.
The next morning, I pump the basement again and we take big guy for a long walk. He falls, busts his lip open bleeds and cries all over the place and rips apart his arm. Poor guy. Fast forward to today and a bee stings me to finish off my week. Thanks bee, I needed the reminder about how great this week has been.
Highlight of the week, big guy gives me kisses before I leave for work now. I'm ready to take it all on again next week if he keeps this up!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
18 month appt
Yesterday big guy turned 18 months old and he had his 18 month appt. I can't believe he's so old! Or that it was 18 months ago that I was thrown into this parenting thing. We met with our Dr- Dr. W- she's just so awesome. Every time she sees him and he smiles at her, she tells me that it just made her day. Who wouldn't love to hear that about their kid?
Big guy is growing great! He was 34.5 inches and 28 lbs 11 oz. Sound big to you? Well, when we looked at the growth charts- he's the size of an average 2 and 1/4 year old!!!! He's huge! I couldn't be more proud- nor could Dr. W, she was super impressed. When I was talking about everything he's been doing, she said he acts like a two year old- in a good way! And she reassured me that all his toddler antics are normal.
I even asked about how to NOT end up on Supernanny- she said consistency was the key. Ok, I can be consistent. Which I think I am pretty good at anyway with big guy. And I asked about going to the dentist- apparently we need to go. Other than that- he's doing perfectly! Just what a mommy likes to hear!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
land and sea loving creatures
Big guy expressing himself
This past weekend, big guy was in surprisingly good spirits, considering that for the three previous days- he was screaming and crying at me every time he was awake! We decided to go to the zoo on saturday afternoon- the weather was nice and it wasn't too hot. It turned out to be a really great visit. Every animal that we wanted to see was out and about. We saw all the monkeys we wanted. Including a cute newborn gibbon- so tiny! And we saw another gibbon showing off his swinging and climbing skills. wow- they can move so fast. And when we were standing next to the tiger window- the tiger walked right by us!
We then realized we needed to get some food in big guy and after wrestling him into his stroller- he calmly rode in the stroller for a half hour eating cut up hot dog while we saw the animals from Africa and the bears. it was great! Now I know why parents give their kids hot dogs. It's a guarantee that they will eat them. Hmmm, all the tricks I am learning.
Sunday we were going to Uncle E and Aunt K's house to meet with some relatives from florida. So, we stopped off at the Aquarium on our way there in the morning. It was raining like crazy! Luckily, hubs had thought to bring an umbrella. After doing a minor freak out about the price, we were one of the first families there (we got there right when it opened). We immediately went to the farthest area first and checked out all the freaky fish. Big guy got to touch a jellyfish- which he really enjoyed. He then wanted to pick it up, which was a no-no, as the docent told us! He also got to pet a sleeping shark, pretty cool! I made hubs touch a sea cucumber- ew! Big guy wasn't completely in good spirits or that interested in looking at the fish.
I really thought he was going to love it b/c he loves our fish at home. Oh well! What he loved the most was the shark tunnel! Looking at the shark belly's as they went by and basically running through the tunnel like a wild man. And he also liked the turtle statue outside with the seals/penguins. Maybe we'll try again next year! Overall, he seems to have gotten over his grouchy-ness from the end of last week. For this I am very grateful, b/c it was getting old fast. Look out- hubs is going to guest post about our past 48 hours soon :)
Thursday, August 11, 2011
School is starting
The new school year is upon us. Big guy and I went to his school to visit his new classroom. I was a little worried bc whenever I take big guy into his school he would freak out. But I was pleasantly surprised when we walked in and said hi to the director and he smiled! I chatted with C the director and got all the paperwork I needed to fill out. We then took a walk to his new room.
On the way we ran into his old teacher (who I absolutely loved) and big guy was so excited to see her. He was bouncing in my arms and squealing with delight. He actually wanted to be put down so he could check out the over kids who were going for a buggy ride. Hmm- maybe I was projecting his freaking out. He seemed fine!
We made it to his new class- Ms. A is his new teacher. She's totally fabulous. Big guy carefully walked over to see all the cool toys they had and played quietly while I spoke with his teachers and watched the kids doing heir activity. And all was going well until some two year old whapped bug guy on the head with a truck. Big guy of course started sobbing. Poor thing. I barely managed not to shove the kid onto the floor. After soothing big guy and moving him away from the big kid- one of his former classmates poked him in the eye! Oy!
Well- it was going well until his injuries. We left soon after bc he wouldn't stop sobbing. I was assured the big two year old was moving to he big toddler class next week. Whew. I'm not too freaked out but I still worry- of course! The room was small- big guy is used to having open spaces. There wasn't any art on the walls- will he get to paint/color freehand. How long will it take him to get back into he flub and tumble world of toddlers at school? I know he will be fineand have a good time. It's just that we've been having a really good time too!
On the way we ran into his old teacher (who I absolutely loved) and big guy was so excited to see her. He was bouncing in my arms and squealing with delight. He actually wanted to be put down so he could check out the over kids who were going for a buggy ride. Hmm- maybe I was projecting his freaking out. He seemed fine!
We made it to his new class- Ms. A is his new teacher. She's totally fabulous. Big guy carefully walked over to see all the cool toys they had and played quietly while I spoke with his teachers and watched the kids doing heir activity. And all was going well until some two year old whapped bug guy on the head with a truck. Big guy of course started sobbing. Poor thing. I barely managed not to shove the kid onto the floor. After soothing big guy and moving him away from the big kid- one of his former classmates poked him in the eye! Oy!
Well- it was going well until his injuries. We left soon after bc he wouldn't stop sobbing. I was assured the big two year old was moving to he big toddler class next week. Whew. I'm not too freaked out but I still worry- of course! The room was small- big guy is used to having open spaces. There wasn't any art on the walls- will he get to paint/color freehand. How long will it take him to get back into he flub and tumble world of toddlers at school? I know he will be fineand have a good time. It's just that we've been having a really good time too!
what a not so great day
There must be some cosmic law when you have a child. When you have one totally fantastic day where the child is happy, injury free, eating and sleeping like a champ, that in turn the next day will be the complete opposite and thus completely painful and terrible. Yes, this was my day. Awful. I hate being yelled at all day by big guy. It makes me grouchy. It burns my bacon- as hubs would say.
what a great day
Yesterday, we had a pool party at a friend's house. All my work ladies and their kids- ranging in age from 18 months (big guy) to 10 years old. It was super fun! And I must say it was a great day with big guy, especially since he had been under the weather and kind of a grouch. Yesterday looked like it might go that way, but as in usual big guy style, he ended up in a great mood.
We started off by having a bad night sleep, ugh not good. we were all pretty miserable. Big guy was floundering all morning- you know, throwing himself around like a pissed off fish. He nor I could handle him being awake and grouchy, so I put him down for a nap at 10:15! REally, it was bad, even being outside didn't make him happy.
Big guy slept until about 12:20 and woke up in a great mood. We snuggled for a little bit and then sat and had some lunch. Big guy calmly ate his yogurt and puffs while looking at his truck book. After lunch, we suntan lotioned up and hit the road. Big guy calmly played with his car and looked at all the big trucks on the turnpike as we drove to the pool party.
We arrived and big guy was his perfect self. He swam in the pool for almost the entire two and a half hours we were there. He is a total water baby. He had no problem playing in the pool with the other kids- in fact he preferred to be held by my friend's ten year old daughter. She would swim with him, show him how to shoot balls into the basketball hoop by the side of the pool. Big guy was flirting with all the ladies, as usual. He was laughing, showing off his daring nature by attempting to jump into the pool, and being the general goofball he is.
big guy also had blueberries for the first time. They were in a fruit salad and I think he thought they were grapes. At first he wasn't too convinced they were yummy, but then he went to town. He must have eaten thirty blueberries. Hubs loves blueberries, too. I'll have to buy some next time at the supermarket. And at one point before we left big guy was in the pool being swayed back and forth and he was just making joyful moans. so cute!
He passed out on the way home. We had a light yogurt dinner and took a stroller ride to meet hubs at the train. Big guy was still in a great mood! Came home, took a bath, and got ready for bed. Then to top off our great day, big guy slept through the night for eleven hours. yay!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Going into public- is it overrated?
This summer big guy has embraced his toddlerness. I'm sure he has lots more tricks up his little sleeves for the future, but I have seen quite a bit already. Probably the most overt wackiness has been big guy's sudden inability to eat in restaurants like a civilized toddler. And you may ask- what? your child isn't a total angel all the time? Sadly no, not anymore...
It all started in June when we went out to eat for grandma D's bday. We went to a local Jewish deli- I thought big guy would be thrilled. A pickle bar, a full deli, lots of people, grouchy old Jewish waitresses... No dice. The kid freaked! He wouldn't sit still. He didn't want to eat. He wanted to throw everything on the floor. So I thought, ok, maybe it's just not his day. The next day we went to the Moshulu- it's a restaurant on a boat- what could be more fabulous? Um, running around like a crazy person. Putting every dirty thing he could find in his mouth. Screaming when I wanted him to sit and eat. Oy vey!
Hubs and I discussed it and decided we shouldn't eat out for a while. We inevitably arrived at a time when we had no thoughts for dinner. We went to our local pizza place- which big guy loves- and Finding Nemo was on in the kid's section. He ate great. Hmmm. Our local burrito place- he ate like a champ! We thought we were past it until we went to the Ruby's diner and he super freaked- he threw all the sugar/sweetnlow packets on the floor. He likes to "clean the desks" which is swiping the table clean. Dear lord- we are a tornado!
So, we are back to only eating pizza and burritos when we have a hankerin' for not home cooking. But I wonder how long we will be shunned from the outside world? I spoke to my sis-in-law (Aunt K) about it and she said that there was a year where they couldn't eat in public. Yikes! The only partial solution I have found is to bring his booster seat from home to eat on- big guy seems to like it better than restaurant high chairs. Looks like I will be cooking a lot this upcoming year- much better than averting my eyes from grumpy waitresses as they watch the destruction happening! I wonder how much spit I've eaten recently...
Monday, August 8, 2011
Is there a neon sign on my head?
Since big guy have been out and about a lot lately, we inevitably run into a lot of moms with kids. Sometimes I feel like there is a connection, but then the mom will be like- see ya! And then other times I'm not sure if there is a connection so I just don't say anything. And of course, I've been asked out a few times by moms- most are a certain type though. Is it like dating men? Do we moms have a "type?"
I feel like there might be a neon sign involved or maybe I give off a pheromone which says, "If English isn't your first language, you are a stay at home mom, your husband has some advanced Doctoral degree in a math field, and your kid is kind of quiet- then I am your girl!" Now, this may seem very specific but I kid you not- I've had three moms who fit this description that I have become friendly with. Two I have their numbers. Two from Brazil and one from Korea. Geez, I have a type.
Not that I'm complaining- I like making new friends, friends are good. And I know big guy loves playing with other kids, especially when we get to go to their houses and play with new stuff. I just think it's funny! I guess I need some people from the European countries... if you know anyone...
Friday, August 5, 2011
Busy week
The past week has been very busy. Let me tell you:
Saturday: Zoo trip
Sunday: Shopping at BJ's
Monday: Down the Shore
Tuesday: Down the Shore
Wednesday: Workday
Thursday: Elmwood Park Zoo trip
Friday: 3 Hour Playdate
Very busy. And it seems it was a bit too much for big guy. Yeah, he has slept great this week. But yesterday he felt hot to me and today he woke up with a 101.2 degree fever. I think we may have done too much! Big guy slept 12 hours last night- whoa! And at the Dr's office this morning, they weren't sure of what the virus was, only that it was one. We are on day two, she said day three would probably be the worst day. Great.
The only good thing about having big guy be older and sick is that now he's more than happy to lay on the couch and watch tv/movies. Curious George, Cars, Shrek, international soccer games. We watched it all. Poor bub. Other than the fever, he isn't showing any other sick symptoms. Let's hope it stays that way and that the fever breaks soon. It's tough having a fever when it's already so hot out. And so begins the illness season...
Big guy has a new adorable habit. Saying bye-bye to everything and everyone. Hand wave- fingers close into his palm- "ba-bye." And that is exactly how he says it- ba-bye. so precious- kind of a high pitched just above a whisper. Love it!
When he's done eating and I ask if he's done- he waves and says goodbye. To people we see in public who we are walking away from. When hubs leaves for work. The other day we were walking at the duckpond and yes, we were walking. I let big guy walk in big open spaces where he can really let loose. And at the duckpond there is a big field. Plus, it makes him really appreciate and want to ride in the stroller on the way home. Well, we reached the top of the hill and big guy practically jumped into the stroller.
There were probably 50 geese around us. Big guy said goodbye to each one of them. A near constant string of cute goodbyes one right after the other. It was so cute, I almost recorded it with my phone. But I can't really steer a stroller and do anything else at the same time without crashing. Can it get any cuter than saying bye-bye's to geese?
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Let's head down to the shore
Big guy and me in the ocean.
Big guy, Grandma Dino, and I went to the shore on monday. We had planned our trip very last minute, but D got a great deal on a motel that was recently renovated, cheap, and without bed bugs! We weren't going to go, but I was so tempted to see big guy at the beach. I just knew he would love it there. We set out on monday around 11:30- big guy passed out within minutes of our journey, just as I had planned.
We arrived around 1pm and checked into our motel. We ate a snack, checked out the room (pics below), and D read us a book. Then we got changed and headed to the beach. Big guy loved seeing the boardwalk and all the people milling about, running, and riding bikes. But then he saw the main attraction and was in awe. It was great! He pointed at the beach and smiled. We walked along the sand- it was the perfect day (87 degrees, sunny, slight breeze)- and found a shady spot under the pier.
Big guy relaxing in our room.
Big guy immediately got down to touch the sand. Oooh, the wonder. Immediately he started to explore- shovel and rake in hand. The beach toys were a huge hit. Next time I'll bring more trucks to haul sand. After about a half hour, I deemed it was past dangerous sun time so we started towards the water. I carried big guy to the first wave lapping the shore. He watched it hit my feet. I then moved to set him down and he willingly put his feet down. Then a little wave kissed his toes. His face lit up with surprise and he started walking into the waves.
Big guy using his shovel for the first time!
In fact, he would have kept walking into the water if I hadn't slowed him down- it was up to his belly. He didn't care- he loved every second of it. He wanted to live in the ocean. No fear of waves. He got knocked down at one point and he just licked his lips, tasted the salt, and kept going. It was really awesome to see! Then we found part of an old pier with mussels covering it and he sat down and played/picked/inspected them until the tide started coming in. We stayed for a few hours. I'm pretty sure big guy would have slept on the beach if we let him.
Big guy checking out the water.
After a disastrous dinner at the local diner, we hopped into the motel's pool. Big guy was again so excited to be swimming. We showered and fell asleep around 7:30. Grandma D was wiped out, too! The next morning we ate breakfast and headed to the beach around 8:30. Same as the day before- totally in love with the sand and water (though the water was admittedly colder in the am). We built sand castles, then destroyed them, made little ponds and filled them with water. Big guy got such a kick out of carrying buckets of water back from the ocean. Then we had a quick lunch and hit the road. It was a totally awesome vacation!
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