SOMETHING was definitely the understatement. Our basement was under two feet of water. The sump pump not functioning whatsoever. Damn you basement! I panic, scream, dance around the house and wife looks at me and says go to the Depot and get something to fix it. I swing by the Depot's tool rental center and rent a water pump. I make it back home, slush my way through our electrical charged water hoping I don't die and pump the water out. Then, I went to work. I get back home, basement is filled again and I pump again. Eventually, basement is clear. Appliances (washer, dryer, heater, de-humidifier destroyed, or so I think). I wait until everything dries and then, miraculously, it works. Life is good.
Later that evening, we go to the pool, swim around with big guy and wife. Eat hot dogs. Laugh. Sing. Life is back on track. We get back home and shit, where did my wedding ring go. Oh, I lost it at the pool. Go back to the pool, not there. Go home, depressed. Cat comes to snuggle with me. She purrs softly, then runs moves to the floor and then she has a seizure. A full out seizure, her tail puffs up, her back legs are fixed in an outstretched position and her front pawls are running in place; she is completely gone. She eventually calms down, we call my vet-in-law and she tells us to watch her for 48 hours to see if she is ok. She is. Phew.
The next morning, I pump the basement again and we take big guy for a long walk. He falls, busts his lip open bleeds and cries all over the place and rips apart his arm. Poor guy. Fast forward to today and a bee stings me to finish off my week. Thanks bee, I needed the reminder about how great this week has been.
Highlight of the week, big guy gives me kisses before I leave for work now. I'm ready to take it all on again next week if he keeps this up!
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