Wednesday, October 12, 2011

our new eating regimen

Eating has become tricky recently. Big guy is making his way through several weeks of eating awesomely and then deciding not to eat at all. This past week, he wouldn't eat lunch. At dinnertime, he refuses to eat, nay attempt to try some of the yum-yum's I have made. Shepherd's pie, turkey-cheesy mac, even buttered-cheesed whole grain noodles. nada.

Instead, big guy only has wanted to eat yogurt with honey crisp apples, freeze-dried blueberries, raisins, and cheese chunks. at least he's eating healthy! But it can be very tiresome dealing with a grouch who only eats a few things. And then last night happened. My hopes for him eating were low, to say the least. I had made turkey meatballs- which I served with noodles previously mentioned, cheese chunks, and then I ate them with some sliced cheese and bread. Big guy started with cheese chunks, as I figured out if we had yogurt in my head. then he ate a meatball chunk by accident, then another, hmmm. He ended up eating one and a half meatballs, some noodles, a whole cheese stick, an entire pouch of pureed veggies/fruit (the ones that look like capri suns- so good and fun to drink b/c big guy can hold them), another 3/4 pouch of fruits. it was awesome! are we back on track???

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