We took our seats and big guy continued to make himself at home with the popcorn bucket, it was really quite amusing. It's like he's at his first movie but already understands the urge to finish the bucket before the previews are over! He continued to eat throughout the movie and when he had finished, he was so sad that the bucket was empty. He then proceeded to put it on his head.
Besides the popcorn, he did really well, too. He didn't sit for the two hours we were in there, but instead paced in front of all of us. He checked out who was in front of him, the light from the projector room. He clapped and yelled for joy at all the right times. It was a great first experience. The only little issue was he bumped his head on the cup holder and freaked. I went running down the aisle and crushed a fair number of toes (I apologized when the movie ended.) I was going to take him into the lobby to chill, but he got more upset that we were leaving the theater. So, the last twenty minutes, we ran up and down the steps of the movie and watched from there. And when we left he didn't freak out or anything, just said, "bye-bye." to the movie theater. Overall, a success!
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