we are having poop issues. it had been so long since we have had any issues, that I forgot how frustrating it is, only more so now b/c he's so much more annoyed by it! it started last week when he was sick in an undefined way- like no running nose, cough, or fever, but big guy was grouchy, tired, and lost his appetite. So, naturally the poop slowed down, like way down. after a few days I got nervous. big guy was grabbing his crotch a lot- a true indicator that he either had to pee or poop. We talked a lot about pee and poop, attempted to sit on the potty- which led to big guy running and screaming from the potty.
OMG, I've already traumatized him with potty training!
Ok, not really, but I did have some thoughts since he would run from the potty. Finally he pooped after a bath. In the bathtub. I was just grateful he went and he quietly stood with me in the bathroom as I cleaned out the tub. Another couple of days passed and still nothing. Then he went while he was playing in his crib. EW! WE cleaned and moved on. And then another couple of days. What the hell?
I called the dr's office b/c he was grabbing himself and starting to cry out in pain. I was sure it was the poop, but couldn't rule out that he had something more serious or that I had made some huge potty training error and had scarred him. The nurse said she thought it was the poop. Whew! She said lots of fiber (duh) and that it was ok to have a half a cap of miralax. Now we are talking.
I bought some miralax and headed to get big guy from school. I walk in and the teacher says he is in the bathroom. I hear sobbing. Oh dear, this is going to be fun. I walk in the bathroom and it's actually someone else crying- big guy is happily standing, though concerned about his friend. Ms. M lets me know the big guy pooped three times! YAY! My big guy was back in action- totally happy, playing, joyful, and eating up a storm. Of course, he's back to grabbing at himself which makes me think there is more poop. We miralaxed this morning and got a little out, but I'm confident it'll kick in tomorrow. It had better be epic!
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