well, it's been a while since I've posted. a lot of stuff has been going on with big guy. Most notably is that we have switched schools! I know. shocking. I'm still scared about it and he's been at the new school for about a week. but I can already see that big guy is in a better place. when I pick him up from school he smiles, isn't ready to leave, and chatters to me about what he's done during the day.
I really like one of his new teachers (she's the main teacher) ms. T. and she really likes big guy. She is very cuddly with him and doesn't mind that he follows her all day and is her little helper. The other two teachers are kind of throw aways, but as long as big guy is doing well, then that's all that matters.
Big guy of course got his first cold! but it wasn't even that bad of one. Inevitably, he then immediately started wheezing. so, we've been nebulizing. And because the albuterol isn't really cutting it by itself, we've immediately had to start using the inhaled steroid. which is fine with me because it really works well! and the overall days that we have to use the nebulizer is very short.
I'm getting used to the new school and how it runs differently than the old school. So, we will see about the future. But I am slowly feeling better about the decision.
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