I think we have reached the next part of our potty training adventure. the "let's sit and wait" until big guy actually goes. See normally when it's time to poop, I shove big guy on the potty and after resisting for a minute or so (read- try to escape the potty) he pushes and goes. But tonight was a bit different. He obviously had to go because he was not eating one of his favorites, homemade sloppy joes on whole wheat w/ a side of peas. after several stern comments from me about either eating dinner or sitting on the potty, he opted involuntarily to sit on the potty.
Then started the ten minute mommy versus big guy wrestling match onto the potty. After a lot of crying and sweating, he got off. we had a chat. He decided to go eat dinner. Yeah, I wasn't fooled either. He ate about two bites all while making a gagging noise, like it was poison. So, I made another deal. If big guy went upstairs and pooped, he could eat whatever he wanted for dinner and watch tv during dinner. Hmm, he was interested. Upstairs we went again. More crying and wrestling. I went to my next idea. I said we weren't leaving the bathroom until he pooped. Angry face. I suggested we just sit and wait until he has to poop and we can read a book together. Big guy liked that idea.
We grabbed our new dino book and sat. Big guy patiently sat while I read. Then he started to get up. I grabbed those little ribs and held him until he went. there were some tears, but mostly me clapping and telling big guy how proud I was that he was such a big boy who sat and waited on the potty. I think a definite improvement!!! C'mon wantint go to pee on the potty!
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