Big guy's hair was getting out of control. So, hubs took it upon himself to buzz his hair. For the two months big guy and I would have conversations about hair cuts.
Me: Big guy, want to get your hair cut?
Big guy: Mommy, no hair cut! (cue sad face and whining)
The hair was out of control. Hubs and I had a talk about not going to the hairdresser, but instead Hubs could buzz him with the clippers. I was desperate, big guy was starting to look like a wild animal. So, I was vacuuming and hubs brought down the clippers and just started brushing big guy's hair. Then hubs just started buzzing his hair and since the vacuum is so loud, big guy barely noticed. We let big guy hold a cup and put the hair in once he did notice and I eventually turned off the vacuum.
Big guy was pretty OK, but like when the hairdresser does it, he got ornery after 15 minutes because it's just too much hair touching and standing still time. So, there were some funky spots, but we got those on sunday. Below is the before and after:
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