Just four more weeks... until it's me and the big guy all day every day for about two months. I know, I constantly talk about summer and lament when it isn't summer. But what you need to understand is that I get the little man all to myself and we get to just have fun every day. And this summer is going to be epic! Not only do we have our normal line up-
-Sand table cleaned and new sand added
-working hose with adjustable nozzle
-zoo and museum memberships
-pool membership!!!
But we are also going on two very exciting trips this summer. The first will be to DISNEY WORLD!!!
We are so excited. We are going for a whole week and get to take gmom J with us! I'm already planned for activities to do on the plane, itineraries (laminated), and started summer clothes shopping for big guy. Hubs and I are also on a limited meal plan to get into Disney shape. Certainly don't want to be unable to walk around disney wearing baggy clothing- it's hot down there!
Our second trip is without hubs (who will be working-duh). Big guy, gmom Dino, and I are taking a car trip up to New Hampshire. On the way, we are visiting Great aunt H in NY, some cousins/second cousins in Connecticut, and Great Aunt B in upstate NY. So, it's part road trip, part super fun vaction in NH at Lake Winnipasaukie! here we come beach, boating, sun, checking out dino's 8 acres, exploring nature, basically all things that big guy and I love to do! assuming we like boating, since we haven't been on one. =\
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