Thursday was our first full day- we decided to keep local because big guy and I were still recovering from our illness. Big guy had a free trial to a music class Thursday morning and we felt like we could handle that. So, we stopped and dunkin donuts for some bagels and coffee for Dino before going to music class. Class was fine- nothing too wild. Big guy was a grouch for the first half not really wanting to do too much but then he got into the spirit when the percussion instruments came out. then he was jumping up and down yelling percussion. very cute. Not sure if I'll pay for the rest of the summer since we have a bunch of trips. Following the music class, we did a trip to the pet smart to get cat food. Hubs always jokes that the cats would starve if he wasn't home, which might be true, since I only care that the child gets fed! After spending a half hour in front of the fish tanks and finally getting cat food, we went home, had lunch, and then took a really long nap! We had a light dinner and just relaxed.
Friday we went to the morris arboretum! dino hadn't been there for twenty years! So, we thought we'd show her how much it has changed in the past two decades. The weather was perfect, warm, sunny, and not a drop of rain! Big guy showed dino all his favorite spots- the birds nest, the trains (duh), the fountains you can dip your hand into, the rose garden (which was dino's favorite) and then the fernery. We took a pre-lunch break by an outcropping of rocks and big guy took off his shoes to relax. We munched on yummy snacks I had brought before visiting the trains again and then finally leaving. That night dino had a dinner date with a friend, so big guy and I had a date at the bertucci's!

Big guy at morris arboretum
Saturday we were going to do something cultural, but since it was supposed to be hot and sunny, we decided to go hang at the pool. We got there a little before it opened (11am) and stayed until 3:45. Big guy loved every second of it. We swam for the entire time besides the 20 minute lunch break and two bathroom breaks we took. We were mostly in the big kid pool, but in the shallow part where big guy can hang out. He was so happy and chatty about everything we saw and did. When Dino wasn't in the pool, he would go find her and demand that she come to the pool. And we capped off the visit with sharing an oreo ice cream bar! For dinner, I made tacos, yum! And we had ice cream for dessert. see below for the pool ice cream treat:

Sunday we went to a pool party at the house of one of Dino's oldest friends. The weather looked iffy, but after about a five minute shower, we had sunshine and nice heat. Big guy was loving life again. And again, besides the 30 minute lunch and bathroom breaks, we swam for about five hours. He loved the jacuzzi (which the heat was not turned on) because it had this perfectly sized bench around the circle that he was walking around and then of course there were floaties and a waterfall which made everything more fantastic. We capped the evening off with pizza and ice cream at our favorite place.
The best part about dino's visit was just how much fun we had being together. big guy adores his grandma dino. Whenever he woke up, the first thing he said was, "Wake up grandma?" and he never let her be without him for longer than five minutes. He was talking up a storm and just in such a great mood. It was so wonderful!
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