Our final day in Disney! We were sad to see it end. I spoke with the front desk and got our check out time bumped to 1pm. I leisurely packed while hubs and big guy watched tv and lounged. We went swimming for a few hours, then returned to the room to shower and change. WE checked out and waited for the bus to take us to the airport. While on the bus, big guy wanted to sit with hubs, so mamabear got a break! They ate lollipops and watched youtube. We got to the airport for our 5 o'clock flight. We had an early dinner of yogurt and watched a big thunderstorm approach. Our flight was delayed about an hour an a half, but we left and had a wonderful flight home. Big guy passed out in the terminal before we boarded, but I wasn't lucky enough to have him stay asleep! But he did great on the plane, again except for the last twenty minutes, where he refused to put on a seat belt again! We landed and made it home, with big guy passing out in the car. I plopped him in bed while hubs unloaded the car. A wonderful trip which we were sad to see end!

Hubs and big guy on the bus to the airport
Big guy asleep waiting for plane
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