Friday, November 14, 2014


Little man got the OK to start oatmeal at his 4 month appointment. However, it wasn't until around Halloween that I got it together to try. I had to buy the baby oatmeal flakes which now come in a plastic box. Probably to make it more expensive. I had to clean the high chair, which my mommy graciously did for me during her visit! And then I needed to get some purified water just in case I needed to make it without breast milk. Finally, I had it all in order.

I set the stage but dawdled. I tried it one afternoon with little success. Little man was tired and not interested.  I tried again this time with a free sample of formula. No go. Then on Wednesday night, I had made a delicious dinner and big guy and I were devouring while little man sat on my lap. He was watching. And started to smack his lips. Hmmm, perhaps I was missing the social aspect of eating. So, with little hope of success, I used some bottled water and ta-da! He gobbled it down. Slurping and swallowing noises were heard! Smiles and laughs! And though he was covered with it, we had success. I was so relieved. Big guy had been such a voracious eater and I got nervous that I would have produced a non eater. But no, he just needed to eat with us!

Thursday, we went to breastfeeding group and got weighed. A gain of 2 oz, so not due to oatmeal. But we shall see next Thursday. Also at bf group, I ran into someone I went to college with. Weird. And our favorite lactation consultant was there, T, who was my go to gal and got me through big guys first year! She was glad to see little man and hear his progress, as well as hear about big guy. She also said I have to do a month of oatmeal once a day before starting a second meal of introducing veggies. Oh boo!

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