Friday, February 6, 2015

Yo Baby

So, we conquered eggs.  And we have moved onto yogurt.  mmmm, yobaby yogurt to be exact.  Full fat.  delicious.  creamy. delicious. um, it's really good! Anywho, in yet another example of how my boys are completely different babies, little man was not so thrilled with yogurt.  I had wisely put the majority of the 4 oz into a tupperware container and gave him the teeniest spoonful.  At first, he was eating it, but then he was giving me that face again!  Like, "I'll eat this because you are giving it to me, but I'm not going to like it!" Then he just started turning his head.  sad.

At dinner, I tried again, but this time I started off with giving him his oatmeal with sweet potatoes and then mixed the yogurt in.  Much more successful!  And last night I did the same thing, and he ate it more happily.  whew!  Yogurt is what I eat everyday for lunch, as does big guy because he started eating it at 8 months! So, another healthy eater in the works I suppose.  But I'm guessing it's going to be a while before those 4 oz are consumed in one sitting.

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