In six weeks my baby won't be a baby. He'll be a toddler! Which on one hand is totally sad for me but on the much bigger hand, woo-hoo! I love toddlers. When big guy turned 1 and 2, I loved it. The most fun age, though I must admit, he just gets better with age. So, here are the signs, besides his age, that little man is on his way to toddlerdom: He wants to do everything by himself, including choosing his toys, petting the cats, and especially eating his own food. He gets so frustrated when I spoon food in! Little man hates getting his diaper changed. Ugh, lay down, still and let mama wipe him... just the worst. Cue twisting onto the belly and crawling away as quickly as possible. Or screaming at top of lungs while twisting away! Most times I let him just escape for a few minutes of naked time. But in another toddler move, he's discovered his penis. So he then starts to pee on stuff or me and laugh hysterically! Peeing is funny, did you know? Little man has also started the arching his back when he doesn't like something. Getting into the car seat, staying seated during a stroller ride, which alternates arching back and injuring his head on some hard part of the stroller or attempting to escape the confines of the stroller. Geez! Little man has been babbling up a storm. Nothing too specific like a word, but definitely a lot of really cute noises all strung together. Also, he's started giving hugs. Meaning, he lays his head on your lap or on the cat's bodies. so sweet. More things to come as he reaches the end of this first year.
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