Big guy and hubs before the zoo!
Today was absolutely beautiful! Finally, after five days of rain, it was hot and sunny. hubs, big guy, and I went to the zoo! And finally became members, we figured it would pay for parking alone on the amount we go there. Big guy was a bit exhausted, but he had slept well the night before. The past few days he's been a bit temperamental. Totally fine one second and then throwing a very toddler-like fit the next. Complete with screaming, crying, and falling on the floor. Nothing can console him... except being outside or a bubble guppie video.
Anyway, we didn't stay long b/c big guy was in a mood. He also pooped a ton yesterday- it was probably really funny watching me last night. His poor butt was so red and irritated, I was letting him run bottomless. Except he kept pooping everywhere, so I was running around cleaning and trying to get a diaper on him at the same time. probably very funny to watch. I think the irritated butt and being tired made it a short trip.
We saw camels, birds, the children's zoo, and went into the tree house- which is only for members now- fine, now that we are members, but I mean I think it's just a glorified place for people to change their kids diapers. Everyone was doing it. including me!! After a freak out during lunch, we left and hubs & big guy fell asleep. Big guy took a much needed 3 1/2 hour nap! We had dinner and then were playing inside. As we were walking in.... big guy falls and lands face first on the brick pathway.
Blood everywhere, hysterical screaming, it was a mess. He was in some serious pain- even his nose was bleeding. We put on some bubble guppies, while I let him suck on a cold washcloth. Hubs called the dr- who talked us through a thorough exam of his mouth and exam. She thought he hurt his frenulum- the flap of skin connecting your top lip to your gums. We are to look out for yellow snot, loose teeth, anything else bad. And to tell our Dr on monday during his 15 month appt. Geez, and it was shaping up to be such a great day!
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