Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mommy date?

The other day, I ran into a mom in the neighborhood who has an 8 month old girl. We chatted for a little bit and then big guy and I headed to the duck pond. I ran into her again the other day on our way back to the duck pond (hey- it's one of our favorite places!). She mentioned how she would like to accompany us one day. Yeah, sure! Then she pointed out where she lived, the address, and finally suggested exchanging phone numbers! That's right, I got asked out by a mommy.

Though, the more I reflect on it, the more I think she is just desperate for some adult interaction. I mean, I could have been the abominable snowman coming down the street with a toddler and she would have asked me out. But it's the first friend I've made who has only known me as a mommy.

After a mix-up about coming to hang in our front yard, we finally got together this week. The weather was beautiful all week- 70's and sunny. Sigh. Big guy and I usually ate our snack outside and we invited them both to come hang with us one afternoon in the front yard. The little baby isn't too interactive- but after I encouraged it, the mom took her socks off and then baby was in heaven! Big guy mostly wandered around the yard eating graham crackers, talking, and then would come over and pet the baby nicely and hand the other mom grass, leaves, and her baby's socks.

It was a lovely afternoon and I was giving out my thoughts and experiences as a mommy of a toddler. I mean, big guy is awesome, so I'm sure my experience with some stuff is different! I even lent the mom my copy of What to expect the first year- which I constantly read for those first few months, then gradually stopped. All around, I good first mommy date!

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