The bday party was on saturday and was quite the success! The only low note was that big guy was horribly ill. So, we couldn't go to Gymboree to burn off some energy. But did go to the car wash, then to pick up balloons, cake, and other miscellaneous food items for the party, which gave hubs some time to super clean the house. We made it home and ate some lunch. Then big guy and I went for a walk, we lucked out in the weather department- it was beautiful outside. Big guy promptly fell asleep and I strolled to the duck pond.
Nap time ended rather abruptly when gmom Dino came in the house yelling hello. Big guy was not pleased. It would be another forty minutes before he would let either of us put him down. Big guy socialized with family members, showed off his toys, but mostly stayed close. Following a delicious dinner of pizza and onion rings, our dear Brazilian friends from down the street came with their little girl S who is now a year a d a half. Big guy was over the moon- just so excited for a playmate. And they played so well together- sharing toys and food. It was really very cute.
Followings dinner, big guy was having a tickle fight with aunt K which of course sparked a coughing fit which lead to big guy throwing up all over us both. Hubs was freaking out, while I was just stripping us down. All of his bday cake and singing pics he is just in a diaper, but he didn't seem to mind. Simultaneously while we are stripping down, our families are searching the downstairs for a lighter to light the candle. All dangerously my mom and uncle E are trying to light a paper towel off our electric stove- fun fun. Big guy loved his cake (choo choo themed) but was not interested in eating it. In fact when he accidentally put his hand in it, he showed it to me and said "ew!"
Following cake, we opened presents. Could the child get any more presents? Art easel and supplies from gmom Dino. Thomas train toy, foam blocks, clothes from gmom J and aunt B. Thomas books and clothes from aunt K and uncle E. and a cozy coach from gmom C and granpa J. The cozy coach is a really cute car that we can ous big guy in or when he's ready he can Fred flintstone around in. Big guy loved all of e presents and was playing with the blocks the rest of the night. Glad I picked them! Overall, only one bout of vomit and a little clinginess- I deem the party a success!
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