We have made some giant steps towards potty usage the past two weeks. Big guy has started to selectively use the potty. I'm going at his pace and there have certainly been less accidents.
When we went to his two year appt, the DR was confident that we could get this whole potty training thing done quickly, if I could figure it all out. So, I made up a potty song, there are stickers, and thomas books. But what I've figured out is that essentially until he does it by himself without prompting, I am going to spend a lot of time in the bathroom. Lots of talking about pee pee and using the potty. Here is how we've been doing so far.
On friday, big guy was home sick with hubs. Hubs and big guy were sitting in our bed chatting and reading books. Big guy looks at hubs and says, "I pee." He hops off the bed and hubs hears the toilet seating hitting the back of the toilet. Hubs yells, " be careful" as he's running to the bathroom. There is my little monkey sitting on the potty peeing all by himself- the big potty. Hubs helped him down as he almost fell in and then they proceeded to do the pee pee dance while yelling "I pee." and then they flushed. Hmmm, how come he won't do that for me.
Fast forward to sunday. big guy is feeling better. he ate a great lunch- which got things moving. He grabs himself, says, "I pee." We walk to the bathroom and talk for a couple minutes about sitting on the potty. Finally, big guy steps on the stool and sits briefly on the potty. He hops down and does a nice little dance. Then starts to pee. I pick him up and he finishes the pee and drops some poop, score! He gets down, we cheer and dance and flush! After dinner, same thing! Today, big guy really had to go. He hadn't gone poop for two days. He refused to sit on the potty- sobbing hysterically. He eventually drops trough and pees/poops on the floor- it's like having a puppy.
WE clean up do a nice pep talk. big guy is feeling good- playing quietly. I'm cooking dinner and big guy walks over to the stove to check himself out in the reflection. He lifts of his shirt and checks out his belly and groin region. He looks at me, says, "I pee." He walks away and I hear the toilet seat lift up. I walk to the bathroom and there is big guy leaning against the toilet. I lift him onto the toilet and he pees in the toilet. Totally calm. He finishes and I put him on the floor and start cheering, clapping, yelling/praising joyfully at what a big boy he is and how awesome the peeing in the potty was. Then he starts doing the pee pee dance and screaming with joy. yes! Seems like I just have to keep in mind that I need to go at his pace.
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