Saturday, March 17, 2012

Full on toddler

Big guy has hit the full terrible two's! We have been seeing glimpses of it for the past year, but over the past few weeks, he's fully embraced his toddlerness. For example, tantrums have started to be an at least once(if we are lucky) a day occurrence in our lives. And the word NO is big guys new favorite word. Not only does he say the word, he also accompanies it with a dramatic gesture.

I'll say, big guy, do ou want to sit on the potty? Response back, NO! Followed by slamming the bathroom door. It's also developed into a hitting thing. So if I say something like, big guy lets put on your shirt, he'll say no, followed by a hit or two on my arm or leg. They aren't hard hits but they definitely aren't nice. So, I usually say in my mom voice, I really hope that wasn't a hit. And I give him the ol' mom stare of terror, and he comes over and gives me a kiss. Other times we have a nice little talk about why it's not nice to hit.

The tantrums I'm attempting to handle as best I can. I've read repeatedly to keep my cool, let him work it out safely, and then talk once he's calm. Mostly I can do this, except for when lets say, big guy decides to throw a fifteen minute fit in the rite aid, making the whole shopping experience really fun for me and all the other patrons. Just keep breathing. I know the stage won't last forever, but it certainly is trying at times.

But the two's have also brought with them better communication and more desire for responsibility. Which is awesome! Big guy wants to be in charge of more stuff. Like helping me with cleaning, helping with dinner, etc. and he likes following directions. And the recent discovery that I'm still working on and will have to write about later is giving choices. Big guy likes having choices. And getting to choose is a big deal.

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