Wednesday, March 7, 2012

New stoller

While I was buying sand for the sand table at the babies r us I decided to peruse the strollers. Seeing as I've destroyed two from over use (and I'm sure that leaving them outside during all kinds of weather and never properly cleaning them had something to do with it). Anyway, I thought a new jogging stroller was in order b/c even though we don't take strollers with us on trips, I still would like one for taking long walks to the duck pond and trying to get big guy to fall asleep.

I got a really nice jogging stroller on sale- sturdy, stylish, and lots of storage room. And I got the warranty for 15 months bc I tend to bust up tires. And as a bonus, I knew gmom C would be thrilled since she likes to walk with big guy.

Only big guy wasnt too into the stroller when she first tried. Nor when I first tried. He freaked both times.
but I eventually got him in by taking him out the front door away from the sand table and plying him with snacks. Since then he's been fine in it. And let me say, it's a really nice ride.

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