Sunday- a truly enjoyable day. We started off with our normal walk. Big guy was surprisingly in a good mood, as saturday's walk he whined the entire time. We came home, took a nap and ate really well- all day actually. Our big adventure was to the duck pond. We had lots of fun feeding ducks, geese, and a huge snapping turtle. It was really cool. We were going to attempt oatmeal today, but big guy was pretty grouchy and I didn't want him to be in a foul mood for our first foray into eating real food.
Instead we played and hung out. Hubs was upstairs vacuuming, so big guy and I stayed downstairs. I layed down a blanket and put big guy on his back. Then I put a toy he really likes (leiderhosen bear- a gift from grandma S from Switzerland) next to him. And he very easily rolled himself onto his belly to grab the bear! Ta-da!!! It was so cool! Big guy also now exclusively sleeps on his side in his crib, while moving himself in full circles. It's really funny. We rounded out the day with a trip to the supermarket and visit to a local college to walk around, grab flowers, and stare at trees. A totally lovely day!
Fantastic news! I told you he could do it... Love you two