Saturday, July 10, 2010


Big guy is really squirmy. He is always moving when he is awake- I explain it to others as active. His legs, arms, hands, mouth, whatever are always moving around and doing stuff. He doesn't like to sit still. My mom always used to say that I was really squirmy as a baby. She hated it when I tried to lay in bed with her, as I had a penchant for kicking. Turns out the big guy got my squirminess.

Not only does he move while he is awake, he also moves while he is sleeping. Last night I put him in his crib facing one way and when I got him in the morning he had rotated 180 degrees. It was really impressive! When big guy lays next to us in bed he is always moving. Arms flail, legs kick out, and he makes the best sighs. He is a very active dude. We were visiting someone the other day who saw him beboppin' along and said, "oh dear, he isn't going to walk. He's going to run." I better enjoy the non running now!

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