On Thursday, big guy and I went to BF group and got weighed- 19lbs 5oz! Like I said, he's a big guy. Big guy is always the talk of BF group. He loves being naked for all the ladies. They ooh and ahh over his size- did I mention his thighs are like turkey drumsticks with delicious rolls? It's funny b/c I never feel the need to reciprocate to another mom or baby- I know this sounds harsh, but I was never one to moon over babies even before I had a baby! This time big guy was such a ham! He was showing off his standing, sitting, raspberries, screeching/talking to the other babies. The ladies lapped it up! I even got stopped on the way out by another group of ladies about the thighs. They are delectable!
After we were finally able to go, we went home to eat and met up with hubs to meet some peeps he works with- one couple- R and C have a baby FR who is six weeks old. She was so cute and tiny. She was doing the yelpy cry that newborns do- man, it made me think that I am so glad we aren't at six weeks anymore. It was fun hanging out with adults and we went to get pizza after. Big guy was still hamming it up. Hubs remarked that he was in an awfully good mood and I said that is always how he is with people. Hubs just hadn't seen it. Surprising, b/c hubs is also a very entertaining person. Thus I am never bored. Inevitably we were having such a great time that big guy took a huge poop. And by huge, I mean it got all over me. The evening was over after that!
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