Some days I really, really love the hubs. Today is one of those days. After a rough night last night, in which I fed big guy in the middle of the night- more on that later- I asked hubs to take big guy to local bagel place so I could sleep for an extra 30 minutes. Hubs agreed and whisked off big guy. I fell into a very strange dream, but got an extra 30 mins regardless. Hubs and big guy returned and I actually got big guy to nap.
While he was napping and then subsequently eating, hubs mowed the lawn, cleaned the downstairs, did a load of laundry, and ran the dishwasher. The day was pretty smooth. Went to the supermarket and hubs came with big guy in tow. Then more eating and napping. While this was happening, hubs emptied the kitty litter, took out the trash, and cleaned a particularly tough spot on our kitchen counter. Following this we went to the park for a half hour.
Big guy was exhausted, but in true style didn't fall asleep when eating. Hubs came upstairs finished the diapering process and went to nap him. It didn't work, but hubs came down and played with big guy while I did some vacuuming. Then he took big guy up to nap and when I listen on the monitor right now... silence. As a reward for being the best hubs, I made a huge pot of chicken noodle soup and we'll have fancy grilled cheeses to dunk. Hubs- you are the best!
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