Saturday, August 21, 2010

My quest for puréed carrots

The big guy got the ok to start other food besides oatmeal. As I knew this was coming, I bought a food processor, since for the past 9 years with hubs, I have never had the need for one. I got the Giada made for target. I thought I'd start with carrots- how hard could it be?

My first foray began with peeling five carrots and slicing. I dropped them I to my steamer tray and left them for seven minutes, as the instructions said to do. Big guy was in his exersaucer having a grand time alternatin between playing and watching me cook. After seven minutes, still rock hard. Hmmm. Perhaps a bit more steam is needed. I give them another couple o minutes. They seem pretty squishy to me. I drop them into the food processor with excitement! This is my first time using one! Um, they don't really purée, more like really finely chopped. Ok... Maybe they weren't cooked enough?

Next day, I throw out the first attempt. This time I only peel and chop three carrots. I make sure the water is on a high simmer before putting the steamer tray in. I cook them for fifteen minutes. Almost soft. I give them anther fifteen. Big guy decides to freak out, so I take them off the burner, but leave the lid on while I change his diaper. I come back down and with big guy on my right hip, I mange to left handed put the squishy carrots into the blender. Really finely chopped again. Ok, this isn't funny. And what does it mean that I can't purée carrots? This is supposed to be easy for goodness sake! People purée and freeze in advance!

My only thought is that I really like my veggies crunchy, so maybe I can't judge how soft they need to be. I remember my mom having a recipe that cooks carrots in the microwave. Ah-ha! Perhaps that is my problem-'the steam is against me. Tonight, I drop big guy into the exersaucer and peel and chop one carrot. My expectations are low. I put them in a glass bowl with some saranwrap and punch in three minutes. I look over at big guy ready to make some grand statement about our potential success when I see out of he corner of my eye... The carrots burst into flames!!!

Ah!!! I pop open the microwave and the flames go out. I have decided that the carrots are against me. I'm going to buy some already puréed carrots tomorrow. Perhaps I'll be able to use my food processor when he graduates to finely chopped!

1 comment:

  1. Too funny!!! Maybe boil them for 10 minutes? Carrots get soft in soup. I guess you lose a lot of the nutrients to the water though.
