Saturday brought with it beautiful weather. We're talking low eighties, sunny skies, and no humidity! A perfect day. Hubs and I decided to visit Longwood Gardens. Big guy had taken a great nap in the morning and the timing was right. We loaded up the diaper bag and ourselves and hit he road. There was barely any traffic and surprisingly we got there in good time, but it was a long time. Big guy took a much needed car ride nap. We parked close to the entrance and busted out the stroller.
It was relatively cheap, as big guy won't start costing money until he's at least two. We walked the grounds and visited the fountains first. Big guy loved them! All the water spraying in fun ways. Then, shhhh, big guy dipped his feet into a shallow pool and was pleasantly surprised to find it cool and wet.
Following the fountains we went to the conservatory and were shaded from the sun. We went to the children's garden. On he way we stopped and stared, smelled, and touched as many plants/flowers as possible. Big guy even ripper off a leaf (hey, it was an accident!) but I caught a really cute pic of his face afterwards. Pure joy and wonder.
Big guy loves nature and being outside. Trees, followed closely by flowers are the best. After being inside for a while, we had lunch. Then big guy and I went for a meal under a huge willow tree. We had the loveliest view of a pond. Which of course was empty of tourists until I had a breast out and then it became the hotspot. I'm pretty sure no one noticed. Then we visited an old house on the estate. And ended the day at the chiming tower. Which was preferred by big guy freaking out b/c he was exhausted. Normally, he would drift off in the stroller. Sigh. We left after briefly looking in the gift shop for a rain stick. Big guy passed out while being buckled into the car.
I must say, it is a beautiful place and I'm excited to go back and explore it even more as big guy gets older. Mother nature is truly amazing.
Wow, you are a blogging machine, girlfriend! I've never been to Longwood. That's adorable that he picked off a leaf--he's become so interactive, actually influencing the world. I'm glad you had a nice day after some trying ones.