Following our hour of play at the day care on Wednesday, we were due to drop big guy off for a half day on thursday. Hubs and I were going to clean the house and then have a nice, relaxing lunch. You know, some quality time! As I was changing big guy and packing up his stuff for the day, I felt his head and he felt so hot. And his cheeks were all flushed, like a campbell soup kid.
So, hubs and I take out the thermometer and about twenty seconds later we were at 101.9. Uh-oh! We agree that big guy isn't going to the daycare today. We shove some tylenol into the big guy and I call the Dr. The nurse who I spoke with was a bit grumpy, but i was pissed. This kid has been sick nonstop since the 13th of December. Thursday's date was the 30th! I might have also been a little hostile.
Anyway, I was positive that his ear infections weren't healed by that round of amoxicillian. He was still all irritable and tugging on his ears. In we stroll to the Dr's office and big guy is immediately flashing the smiles to all the ladies who work there. What a flirt!
We talk to the nurse and she checks his temp, the tylenol did the trick, he's back to a normal temp.
The Dr. comes in, one we've never met- but we really liked her. when our Dr. retires, we are definitely going to move over to her. SHe was young, cool, and totally relaxed. She checked his ears and sure enough, still infected. Either a new round of ear infections or they weren't cured by the amox. She prescribes him Augmenten, which is essentially, amoxicillian with muscle! Oh, and gives you diarrhea. Like explosive. Yay!
What I liked most was when she asked me if he has been himself since he's been sick. And admittedly, he's been pretty miserable, not his happy, energized self. And I can safely say that he's been on it for three days and is totally himself again. He's been sleeping a lot during the day, but that's what he needs to do. But he's back to playing and crawling like the wild child he is. It's awesome to see again. Oh, and the explosive diarrhea is also true!!!