Since we've been recovering from the tummy bug, we've gone from being a "try anything" kind of baby to "ew, don't feed me that, I'd rather scream for the entire meal" kind of baby. Not very fun =(
Big guy definitely only wants certain foods that he picks up and eats. I was getting to the point where I was going to start more finger foods. I was stopping oatmeal at dinner, meaning he was only getting it at breakfast, in an attempt to get him to eat more food by himself- which is the direction I thought we were going in. But as I am continuing to learn, there is always something new with babies.
I had bought a couple really ripe pears, thinking, big guy loves them pureed, he'll love little chunks. Think again sister! He freaked when he saw them. The next day I kind of squashed them, no dice... Ok. Apple chunks. Nope. Nectarines. Again. No.
I had two thoughts. One, since having the tummy bug, he got thrown off in his world of eating. Probable. But the other day I was thinking that maybe I'm moving too quickly with the self-feeding. And that maybe he likes eating some things pureed and some things in chunks. And this led to my second thought, which is maybe the foods he had pureed, he likes pureed. And the foods big guy has had introduced as finger food, he likes as finger foods. Ah-ha! Well, it made sense to me and made me feel better. I think he just needs to get back into the groove and I need to start cooking again. Because he loves when we all eat the same food. Which is evident from this whole week when anytime I was eating toast, crackers, etc, he ripped them out of my hands and started to eat them.
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