I've realized there are two things that I really like about watching big guy eat. Well, I really enjoy watching him eat in general. He's just so serious about it sometimes. It is amazing that he's able to feed himself! One of the best things about watching him is when he's eating and then gets thirsty and grabs his sippy cup and up ends it to quench his thirst. I find this so amazing because most of the time, I'm slowing him down (he tends to shovel like the hubs) and making him take a drink. But every once and a while, he drinks b/c he is thirsty. It's precious.
My other favorite part is when he has his "cookie" at the end of the meal. He gets all crazy about it and starts screaming and pounding his hands as soon as I start taking the bag out. I make him calm down and then show him the cookie. He takes a deep breath and reaches for it. Now, when we first began this cookie journey, he would shove the entire thing into his mouth. Yikes, chocking hazard. After many days of practicing and me saying, "small bites, that's right, now chew before you put more in," it seems we have mastered the art of cookie eating. He now moistens the whole thing with joy, while periodically offering me some (too cute). and then he uses his two front teeth to crunch the cookie. I can't explain it but I love hearing him crunch the cookie. Maybe b/c it's such a big boy noise.
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