Tuesday, December 28, 2010


On Wednesday, hubs and I took big guy in for an hour to play/see his new daycare. He'll be at daycare monday-thursday and then the nanny on friday. Not our ideal set-up, but it was the best we could do monetarily.

Anywho, we went in around 10:40 and it was a light day. Only five other little ones in his room. It's so weird to me that people don't have off the week between xmas and new years. Ok, I digress. We met the woman in charge for the week and she was super duper nice. I really liked her. She led us to his room #6! Which is actually one big room where there is a waist high partition splitting it in half. Half for little babies- 6 weeks to 6 months. Half for big babies- 7 months to 1 year.

So, we go into the room and I plop big guy down. He's very excited to see new toys and new people. Over the next hour he makes his way through the room touching everything. Sitting and watching. Big guy doesn't really interact with the other kids. I think he might have been overwhelmed. I know I was! At one point he does attack this one little kid with kisses, which to big guy means opening his mouth as wide as possible, head butting, and depositing some drool! He proceeded to do this to baby Gab-o and then used a tuft of his hair to pull himself into a standing position. Gab-o didn't seem to mind. Until... big guy and I were playing near a corner and Gab-o came over and took a dump next to us. Not cool.

And in the midst of this, one of the teachers started reading books, really loudly. Then she proceeded to sing every kids song that has ever existed. That's right, for an hour! Non-stop. Really loudly. I almost asked her to stop, it was so annoying. Hubs said later on that he understands why kids nap, to get away from her loud voice.

Otherwise, it was a fine experience. We stayed for about an hour. I think I'm just freaking out! My poor little man. I worry that he won't be the cool little man that he is. So, we'll see. One other funny thing was when I was talking about how he will be getting one bottle of formula and I started my story about getting tummy bug and milk supply disappearing and I could hear the teacher's eyes rolling. Guess not everyone cares about breastfeeding!

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