Sunday was the big b-day party for the big guy! My perfectly laid out plan of having the party from 11-1 because that is when big guy is up between morning and afternoon naps and ready to eat totally went down the toilet. Instead, big guy decided to wake up at 5am, take a 40 minute nap and be awake/grouchy until 1pm. Sigh. I continuously remind myself that now that I have a child, nothing will ever go as planned and to just go with it!
Grandma Dino and Grumpy Grampy came around 10, followed shortly by Nanny S. Grandma Dino brought over bagels w/ a variety of cream cheeses, an edible arrangements bouquet, and the cake. Also- a very cute present- picture above! Then everyone else came- Grandma J, Great Aunt B, Grandma C, Uncle I, Aunt K, Uncle E, and Cousin C. It was quite a full house! And big guy loved every second of it!
Big guy was a total ham and even though no one besides hubs and I knew he was in a bad mood, he had a great time. big guy was showing off his standing prowess and was clapping non-stop. The clapping was so precious. He would start and then everyone else would start clapping and cheering/saying "Yay!" And then he would start all over again!
big guy wasn't eating very well, but did munch on a bagel with veggie cream cheese. He had some yogurt for lunch and slammed his hand into b-day cake. He took a big lick of icing and then made a face and it all slid out of his mouth. He was so not interested in cake! And he spit out the ice cream also. After that, big guy went up for a 2 hour nap- he was so miserable.
After he got up, he was in much better spirits. He had a snack, watch the men folk play wiffle ball outside, and we ate some pizza for dinner! This birthday was definitely the "truck" bday. Hubs and I got big guy a huge truck- pic above! It's so cool and honks and makes cool dumping/grinding noises! He got some cool farm trucks, another dump truck with sand box tools, and some fun books from the art museum. Oh- and a play cell phone- so cute!
Overall, it turned out to be a great day, even if it didn't go as planned. Big guy had fun and was definitely exhausted. He slept a good part of monday (as I had off for president's day) and was definitely happy to have some quality time with the mamabear!
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