Wednesday morning, hubs, big guy and I started our morning as usual. Big guy slept until 5:30am! Woo-hoo! Which was really good b/c he wasn't supposed to eat anything two hours before his ear tube surgery and our surgery time was 6:50am. We got up and got big guy ready. I think he was thrilled to not be forced to eat something and just allowed to run naked and play for a little bit. We got him in the car and off we went!

We were the first one's there (score!) and apparently it's on a first come first served basis, so we won out. We got registered and then followed a nurse into the waiting room. Big guy got changed into this funny little yellow outfit- picture above. All the little kids who would come after us were wearing these outfits- like it was the future and every little kid had to wear them or like little kung-fu masters.
The nursing staff was AWESOME! And we really liked the anesthesiologist who assured us she would be in the room with him the whole time. And after making sure he hadn't eaten anything and answering some other health questions, they gave big guy "giggle juice." Which makes them all loopy and "high." WHich was funny seeing all these little yellow-clad kids with half opened eyes acting so silly. Then they took my little man and hubs and I went into the waiting room.
Maybe 15 minutes later, the nurse came to get us to see the big guy. I have to say, I was pretty calm during the whole process- they've been doing this surgery for over 30 years! But, when I saw my big guy with an oxygen mask on w/ his eyes half open and breathing slowly. I have to say, I almost lost it and burst into tears. He looked so fragile and there was a ton of blood in his ears. And I was about to cry when I thought, "Don't be the crazy mom who gets hysterical and scares all the other mothers!" So, I held it together and in a few minutes, while the nurse was going over stuff, he woke up groggily and very hungry.
I had luckily thought to bring an apple juice box (they had some there to put into bottles anyway) and big guy tanked it! We got him dressed, spoke to the Dr, and got our discharge instructions. 5 ear drops in both ears twice a day and some antibiotics- he had active ear infections when the Dr. went in.
We got into the car- big guy was grouchy, tired, and hungry. We stopped at the D&D and got more apple juice and bagels. And these pics below are of big guy in the car enjoying his first bite of food in over 14 hours! Could he get any messier???

And can I say- hubs and I have seen an immediate difference. Big guy has been talking non-stop! He has said the following new words- Ball, Block, Truck, and Duck!!!!! It's amazing, and he's thisclose to walking. Which is just awesome. He's back to being his normal happy, bubbly baby. Which he has been, but it just feels different!
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