My big guy turned 1 year old today. No longer a "baby" who is measured in months. Now, he is big time- measured in years! I keep marveling over the fact that he is so different from when he was born. It's amazing- he came out and couldn't do anything for himself. But now, he crawls, cruises, feeds himself food/beverage, he can say words, he has preferences for toys/activities, he puts himself to sleep...
He is fun, funny, smart, handsome, very silly, and just so enjoyable. I am truly blessed to have him as my son. I can't wait to see everything he'll do this year! Today, he had a great day! He got up around 5am, was in a great mood. He had a fun day at school- they said he really enjoyed when people were serenading him with "happy b-day!" (I really like being sung to on my bday too!)
We came home, I made Sheppard's Pie- one of his favorite meals. We took a bath, then hung outside until hubs got home. We ate dinner and then- went for a walk! That's right, it's actually nice enough outside to go for walks! I'm so excited. A little cabin fever! big guy LOVES the outside. HE was so thrilled and just was bouncing, clapping, pointing at everything (trees, dogs, trucks) and just had an awesome time. Happy birthday big guy!