Big guy with one of the train tables- we may have to invest in one of these!
Well, we went on our first family trip and it was a success! Overall, it was a three day trip out to Lancaster. I'm going to break it down into three parts, otherwise it would be too much!
Day 1 was saturday. We woke up around 6ish and started our morning routine. I really should have packed the day before, but honestly I didn't think we would be taking that much stuff. Um, right? Not a lot of stuff with a toddler. We had diaper bag, food bag, clothing bag, toy bag, and laptop. We left around 9am, only an hour later than planned.
I was hoping big guy would pass out, but he just quietly played with his trucks in the back seat- guess that was all the rejuvenation he needed (more on naptime later). The ride was surprisngly short as we were going to the Strasburg Railroad! We made it in an hour and big guy really liked when we got to the countryside- seeing all the livestock and farm equipment. The railroad itself is really cool. Big old trains moving really slow and making lots of fun noises. We didn't pay to go for a ride. I didn't want to be trapped on a train with big guy if he decided to freak out. And it was really hot outside. So, we just watched the old trains move around.
Then we went over to the train museum across the street, which I can safely say was the biggest rip-off of $10 per person! I mean the old stationary trains are cool and all- but you can't get into them and they are poorly lit, so you are really just staring at the dark cars from down below. Big guy liked all the rocks though! The best part of the museum was the gift shop. They had two train tables- Thomas and Chuggington- set up at big guy level with tracks, trains, stations, any kind of train accessory you can think of. We spent an hour playing with them!
After that we headed back to Grandma J's house and took naps. Yes, hubs and I included. We ate a nice dinner at The Barn restaurant- omg, the chicken sandwich is delicious! Big guy enjoyed himself very much (more on his restaurant strike later). We went to our hotel around 5:30ish and checked in. Our room was very nice. Two queen sized beds with a balcony view of the duckpond. There were 4 pools! One was a water park for kids! And a fun jungle gym. After our tour around the place, we relaxed and went to bed. A perfect first day!
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