Anyway, we got there in the middle of a story about planet earth. Then Ms. G announced that she had a special treat. score- there was mention of a snack... But it was just some frozen water in fun shapes. She put them on a plate and the kids ran over and touched them, watched them melt, etc. Then Ms. G got up and um, didn't return. We were left to our own devices.
big guy ran around and found all the vehicles and started driving them on the tables, bookcases, spinny racks of movies. Essentially, having a grand old time in a new environment. We even managed to touch some of the ice and then dump the ice, water, and plate all over the carpet. Nice. We spent about an hour and then left. Kind of lame, not sure I'll do it again. I suppose it could be worse though. My neighbor up the street said when her daughter went- it went so bad that they asked her daughter to not ever return. Yikes!
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