Big guy enjoying a puddle post-slide.
Hubs helping big guy down the water slide.
Big guy about to attack a water sprayer- really fun until it gets you right in the face!
We went back to the room to pack up. We weren't sure if we were going to just hang at the pool or if we were going to head out to Dutch Wonderland. Big guy was exhausted, but having a morning nap wasn't a good idea- so we decided to check out and explore the park. We made it to Dutch Wonderland in good time- it's right near the sonic/outlets we had been to the day before.
After the biggest rip-off in pricing ($35 a person- thank goodness big guy was free!) we got in and went straight to the water park. Even though we got there 5 mins after the park opened, it was already packed. Trying to battle the grumpy toddlerness big guy was throwing at me, we got changed and frolicked in the water. I'm telling you- nothing makes big guy happier than playing with water. He loves running around touching the sprinklers, exploring the different displays that shoot water, and going down the cute slides. We got totally soaked!
Following about an hour in the water, we attempted to explore the rest of the park. We played a cheesy game where big guy won a little duck. Seems to me if I paid so much money, I shouldn't have to pay for games too- even if I win every time! Hubs got some pizza and then we had to leave the park to grab food for big guy from the car. That's right- you can't bring food/beverages into the park. (rip-off!) Hubs bought a milkshake and we parked in the breyer's store for some lunch. Yogurt w/ puffs and grapes. Mmmm. Hubs then bought some fudge and kettle corn. double mmmmm.
Then we got in the car and drove home- big guy was out after 5 mins. Overall, a great first family vacation. Hubs and I talked about lancaster- we both love it out there. Our only problems with it are finding healthy foods and that you can't really walk anywhere unless you live near one of the cute down towns. And we love to go for walks. We're thinking about going back out in the fall for the Renaissance Faire. We shall see!
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