Sunday, January 30, 2011

Awesome Sunday!

Big guy and I walking up the museum steps

Sunday brought with it the perfect opportunity to escape our house. We decided that the Art Museum was a great choice. After big guy woke up from his morning nap, we rushed to the car and he had his morning snack in the car.

We got there around 11 and decided to go to the creepy american wing. We looked at 19th century impression- monet and manet. There was also a really cool fountain with what looked like a kid riding a dolphin in the middle. I'm sure it was something much more impressive. Then we saw a picasso and the sunflower painting by van gogh -which I think we might have to get a print of, since it has the same colors as big guy's room!

From there we hit up the armory- of course- it's some kind of boy thing. Then modern art, which was cool. And the Japanese tea house. And then we ended up in the cafeteria and gift shop. It wouldn't be a true visit without the gift shop.

And later big guy took a great nap and we had such a relaxing day. Later that night, I was thinking about how much big guy has been eating and wondering - Where did all this food go? Breakfast- oatmeal, banana, turkey bacon, cheerios
Lunch- yogurt, chicken, mac n' cheese, bread, cheese, puffs
Dinner- milk, refried beans, yogurt, sweet potatoes, puffs, cookie

Good lord- he's such a string bean, but so active. He is eating like a champ!

Friday, January 28, 2011

He's drinking Whole Milk!

My big guy has started drinking whole milk! Which means that he is officially a big boy. At the same time, he weaned from boobie-milk. It was all him, not my choice! I was positive that he was going to love it. I mean, this kid gulps down yogurt and cheese with no issues. In fact, he eats them both everyday. His first sip was a bit hesitant, but then by sip number two he was gulping.

He has for the past two weeks, steadily eaten more and more milk. Which means that his afternoon snack is slowly morphing into a real snack. Some milk, some crunchy puffs, maybe some yogurt melts-mmmm. And bedtime is now a bottle (I know, I know) of milk. I first attempted to use sippy cup, but big guy was in the throes of another round of ear infections and was in no mood for sippy. So, I made the executive decision to bottle it until he's over this pain at night and then take the bottle away. It's a lot, but he goes to sleep in a relaxed mood. Which puts mamabear in a good mood.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Red Eye

Last week, I got some weird eye thing. It was freaky. On sunday, my right eye was bright red, but didn't hurt. WHen I woke up on monday, it was bright red and watering. not good. As I progressed through the day, it began to swell. I went to see a nurse practitioner at the wellness clinic inside a walgreens. she had no idea. I went to an optometrist that afternoon, he'd never seen anything like it. He said he couldn't put me on anything strong b/c I was still breast feeding. Which I was ok with, b/c I was confident the antibiotics he gave me would cure it.


It got worse. On tuesday it was barely open and I walked around with an ice pack all day. Worse still on wednesday, in which I went to another eye dr. Who said that he had never seen anything like it????? Mostly b/c it was only in my right eye, usually infections, etc go to both eyes. He gave me steroid drops. Oh yeah, the good stuff.

It is much better now. I will tell you that the level of hideousness was so bad, that hubs was not making fun of it. Of course, by the time it was doing better, here is what he said to me:

1. I looked like two face from batman- "flip a coin, which mama bear will you get?"

2. It looked like a make up artist closed my eye and injected red dye.

3. My eye looked like it was going to walk off my face, sprout arms & legs, put on a top hat and a cane and start singing, "hello my baby, hello my darling, hello my ragtime gal..." *you know the scene from Spaceballs the movie- youtube it if you haven't seen this scene. Hilarious!

Apparently, hubs had been bursting to say all this, but couldn't. That's when you know your eye is looking bad! Safe to say, it wasn't contagious, and I'm all better now. But, I don't wish that eye weirdness on anyone. Ok, maybe on a few people. Moving on!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

So that's how you like veggie chili!

Last week, I decided we would explore the world of beans! I made this awesome veggie chili recipe that BF/Aunt A gave me. it's sooo good. this was big guy's first experience with black beans and tomatoes. I know, I know. I shouldn't have risked two new foods at once. And apparently babies aren't supposed to have tomatoes before age 1- but I was banking on that there would be cooked tomato juice, I wasn't giving him a whole tomato!

Anyway, big guy loved it! he was gobbling up dinner. Then the next night, he was a bit more finicky, so I gave him a bit of my chili- of course mine was smothered in cheese and sour cream- ah-ha! he ripped the spoon out of my hand to eat it. so, now I know that is how big guy likes veggie chili. covered in cheese and lots of sour cream. mmm, I'm going to make it again this week.

And, the next night we went to our local mexican restaurant and I risked not bringing anything for big guy to eat. We ordered him a bowl of black beans with cheese. Tanked it! I've never seen him eat so fast. And we shared a cup of water with a straw. He's so big!!! And I'm also really jazzed that he can eat stuff that we eat now. It's definitely a big step.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Last week big guy had started saying Oooh and Whoa- you remember, right? On friday, he decided to get fancy and say, "Uh-oh!" Which is always what I say when he drops something, as in Uh-oh, spaghetti-os! It was very cute and he said it a couple of times. Uh-oh! C'mon more words!

Ricotta Cheese

Big guy had ricotta cheese last week. He loved it! This pic is of big guy eating some ricotta globs with banana chunks. And after he accomplished this, he later had white pizza- that's right, he was taking bites of pizza. Mozzarella, crust, ricotta, and garlic. mmmmm.


Big guy has become this amazing kid who is so kind and loves to share. Which makes me really proud as a mommy, though I'm not sure if I had too much to do with it. Big guy likes to share his meals. It started off with a cheerio reached across his tray and offered to me. At first I pretended to eat it (sometimes I still do) but then I really did take it and eat it.

Big guy thought it was hilarious! He busted out laughing. It's was lovely. So now I make a regular effort to let him feed me what he is eating. Cheerio, puff, piece of cheese, bite of cookie (hey- they are gerber and made for toddlers). But I draw the line at soggy bread/bagels.

Not only does big guy share food, he also shares his toys. When he gets to daycare, he mosey's on over to his friends and gets some toys. His favorite being the doggy xylophone (which apparently broke and someone tried to eat/choke on a part of it). But when one of his friends comes over and tries to take the toy. He'll very kindly hand it to his friend and then get himself another toy. His teachers tell hubs all the time how he's such a nice and happy boy. Which in turn makes mama bear very happy. And maybe a little nicer. Just maybe.

Roll the ball

Big guy has figured out how to play ball. He previously would get very excited when the ball rolled towards him. He usually squeals and flaps at the ball repeatedly. But now, big guy can do all of that and then roll the ball back towards you. Which is really fun and clearly has started him on some path to major league sports, right?

fishy face

Big guy has taken to making the fishy face, you know, where you suck your cheeks in and purse your lips. He likes to make fishy face when he is eating something especially tasty. It's very, very cute! And incredibly fun to do. Especially if you have a baby who you can make that face at!

Let me outside!

Big guy loves being outside. It's his favorite thing. However, due to the cold, snow, and then the really early setting sun, we haven't been outside very much. Unless you call running to the car, being outside. No, that definitely doesn't count! So, big guy has taken to pleading with Mother Nature herself. Giving her raspberries through the sliding glass door:

And then he pleads with me, like somehow it's my fault that we can't go outside. Oh, Spring, where are you?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Wee Gillis

We had an awesome weekend! Filled with lots of laughter, naps, awesome eating, and just so much fun! Saturday hubs was proctoring the SATs, so big guy and I hung out and relaxed. We went to visit hubs during testing and then had lunch after at our favorite pizza place. Big guy also took his first bite of white pizza- he loved it! Mozzarella, ricotta, crust, and garlic! mmmm.

Then on sunday, it was really cold- like code blue- 7 degrees was the high overnight. So, we hung out inside. But it was an awesome day. Big guy was in such a good mood. It is wonderful to see how happy a kid he is. And he loves to play and eat- we had mini turkey meat loaves for dinner. he gobbled them up!

As we were getting ready for bed, hubs was reading a book we got when big guy was born, called "Wee Gillis." The tale of a young Scottish lad who was nicknamed Wee Gillis. Wee Gillis had to decide if he should spend his life in the highlands hunting deer or in the lowlands herding cows. A very serious decision. Through 30 pages of bizarre storyline and the over use of the word "relations," we came to the end. Wee Gillis decides to live in the middle and spend his days playing Scotland's largest bagpipes. Seriously, I couldn't make this up.

As the story is closing, big guy gets really excited, he's laying in our bed, while hubs is standing and reading in his best Scottish accent. When big guy does some really fast leg kicks and hits hubs in the crotch! And then hubs yells out, "Oh Sh*t, my Wee Gillis!"

About five minutes later, after I stopped laughing, we got big guy ready for bed. But every few minutes I just burst into giggles.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

You like?

I was feeling fancy tonight and decided to spruce up the blog! The background is actually a pic I took a few years ago at sunset at my mom's house. I just love how the sky is so blue and the trees somehow looked red. I hope you enjoy!

Monday, January 17, 2011

I got my wish... Sort of...

Last saturday, we had gotten a semi-clean bill of health from the Dr. But something was off. Big guy wasn't napping well, which is unusual. He's a very good sleeper. But then again, I love to sleep.

After taking only an hour nap in the morning and an hour nap in the afternoon, he was grumpy, clingy, and tired. I gave him his afternoon bottle a little early, in hopes that he would fall asleep. I had just been telling hubs how I was jealous that big guy falls asleep on Nanny S during the day. When big guy decided to drink and then pass out on me. For an hour he slept, turning over once. When he got up, he finished his bottle and I noticed he was drenched in sweat. Oh crap.

Temp was at 102.5. Double crap. I knew it! Gave the dude some tylenol and then called the after hours nurse. She essentially said to keep him medicated until the fever broke. And if he still had it to call the Dr on monday. well, guess what. he was hot all weekend and didn't sleep.
Monday we had off b/c of MLK, so off we went. Still had a fever, another set of ear infections. Another set of antibiotics, and a trip to the ENT for us in the future! But we got to see our favorite nurse practitioner, who got us through those first rocky weeks when big guy was born, so she was super excited to see, as we were to see her.

And this was just the beginning of the crappiness. Big guy didn't sleep again until thursday night. He was pretty much up every hour every night screaming, crying, and grabbing his ears. We had a lot of family bonding time in bed. But, on thursday, he was himself again, looks like the meds finally kicked in. The poor thing, I feel terrible that he feels so bad. My little man!

Dr's Visit... Yes, again

Last friday began the insanity of the past week. Something was wrong with big guy, but I couldn't figure out really what it was. I was pretty sure his ears were still bothering him. He was still having loose bowel movements- example- he actually pooped out of footy pajamas, that's hard to do! And he had a little cold, but nothing major. So, off to the Dr's office, again. Weren't we just there? The secretaries all know us and big guy, who flirts with them constantly, they just love him!

We went over on friday afternoon, Nanny S very kindly went with me. I saw one of our favorite dr's, who we hadn't seen since big guy was 5 days old. Good lord, this woman made a house call on a sunday to our house! She's just awesome and was very excited to see him and how well he was doing. SHe said there was a little fluid in left ear, but the right one looked good. Which could be left over from his last ear infection. His belly could just be resetting itself, or it could be starting daycare with all those new germs. Overall, he looked great and to keep them posted.

Oh, if only I knew the pain that was coming, I would have saved myself the anguish and demanded antibiotics for the big guy. But for the moment, he was fine.

Ooooh and Whoa

Last week we hit upon two words/noises that big guy was saying obsessively, it was really cute. Anytime he did/saw anything, he would say Oooh- like how you say the end of Cheeri-O. And the other word was Whoa- it was like living in an episode of Blossom!

But it was also super cute. He would turn the hallway light on. Oooh! He would drop his sippy cup, Whoooa. All week he kept up his noisy responses. It's kind of exciting because normally he'll say a word once or twice and then keep quiet with it- with the exception of Mama, Mum, and Dada. Which I guess means more words might start being more regular!

Stand Up

Over the past week, big guy has taken some big leaps in terms of getting closer to being a walking baby. He has started to stand without holding onto anything! I have only caught glimpses of this (of course) and usually only find out that it has happened when hubs yells at me from across the room to look. Very frustrating. Anyway, big guy will either be standing and holding on to something and then let go. Impressive. Or he will be squatting and push himself up to standing. Even more impressive! Next step (literally) he'll be walking.

I'm back baby & big guy is 11 months!

Well, hello everyone! I'm back from the land of ear infections/no sleep/upset belly/and did I mention I didn't sleep!

Anyway, more on the ear infections and no sleep later. I'm happy to say that last night I finally got a good night's sleep and was actually functioning like a normal adult today, hence why I am awake and able to write and say Hello!

On monday, big guy turned 11 months old-amazing! Which means that he is almost a year old. Which means I had better get my butt in gear to have a little shindig to celebrate this awesome occasion. I sent out the evite, it was really cute- entitled "The Big 1." It's for the sunday after his bday. I thinking a monkey cake- as that is the nickname I call him the most.

I am boggled with what he has accomplished in 11 months. To think, he was born and couldn't do anything for himself and now he moves, eats, talks, it's just amazing. So, thanks for sticking around and keep reading! =)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

open the door, close the door

Big guy has recently discovered that he can open and close doors. We have been practicing the skill with his barn and with his kitchen. Now, when I have him trapped in his room so I can put clothes away, he has figured out how to get those cute little fingers into the crack and open the door, then close it, then open it wider, and proceed to crawl down the hallway towards the stairs!

Smart little thing!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Remember this time last year...

Last year at this time, I was huge and preggo. Like, really huge and only a month away from giving birth. Sleeping had become such a hassle! I would wake up invariably at some point and not be able to sleep. Usually, hunger would wake me up. Big guy was growing!

Most times my eating would wake hubs up. I would always be eating something with a crunchy sounding bag- like Oatmeal Squares cereal. mmmm. Anyway, one night I think I had had a nightmare, so I woke hubs up, who very graciously was never mad. And to get me to stop thinking about my bad dream, he busted out the laptop and put on Tina Turner's "We don't need another hero." Classic. You know it, the one from Mad Max at Thunderdome. I'm telling you, if you need to be put into a better mood- youtube it and turn up the volume.

So, last year at this time, I looked like this and was rocking out to Tina!

Cottage cheese and broccoli

Big guy was feeling good. I thought we would try some new food. For some reason, cottage cheese was in my head as a next new food that he would love! Didn't work. I must say that cottage cheese was not ever something I ate as a kid. I blame my mom. Sorry Grandma Dino!

But, I never had pears as a kid and big guy loves them. This is what I was banking on. I see people eating cottage cheese all the time. It looks fun. I'm jealous. Of course, this means I have no idea about what cottage cheese to buy. Clearly, I bought the wrong kind, or big guy thinks it is funky. He took about two small bites and then proceeded to spit out with the "ew" face the following spoonfuls. I even added peaches, but no dice.

And then the following day, I tried with some broccoli. Hubs was eating it and he gave some to big guy. Big guy would chew it, but not swallow. For the next hour, random pieces of broccoli would appear on his lips. Like a squirrel, releasing them periodically. Sigh. I'm hoping that it is just him not feeling well and not being very hungry for dinner time recently that has caused this dislike of new foods. I'll keep you posted!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Bouncy bouncy bouncy

Big guy has been bouncing for a while. But it only occurred to me recently to write about it. He originally starting bouncing when he was in his exersaucer. Oh, how I miss the exersaucer, which big guy still plays with by walking around the outside, but it was nice to keep him in one zone.

Anyway, he started bouncing in there. Big jumps and screams of joy. Now, he will bounce anywhere. Holding onto the babygate, a chair, my arm, hubs's leg, pretty much anytime is a good time to bounce. I love when he wakes up in the morning and as I walk over to the crib he starts bouncing. It always means, I'm feeling good!

Hubs and I now say when he starts bouncing, "bouncy, bouncy, bouncy" It's really fun. Have you bounced today?

Sunday, January 9, 2011


The big guy has officially moved into the "needs a babygate" zone. In this world, mamabear and hubs can't keep up and can't always have their eye on the little man. Hence, we now have a gate that keeps him shut into the kitchen/living room. We bought it from Amazon, where else? It is a foot release gate and is in a charming white.

Big guy knows when it is open and loves to make a beeline for it. Mostly, hubs or I runs ahead and can close it, much to his disappointment. Big guy does think it is funny, as he will pull himself up on it and then bounce and sway while holding on. The picture above is of big guy doing this, and it was a coincidence that I took the pic when he was wearing striped pjs. But it does add to the no escape feel. The day after taking this pic, big guy was bouncing and took a huge poop. When you need something more than gravity to help...

Baby's first shoes

The daycare that big guy attends has a carpeted and tile area in his room. We knew it was a matter of time before big guy was going to need real shoes. Well, they kept telling hubs last week that the time had come. Real shoes, that means he's growing up.

We headed over to the stride rite, who make shoes for babies. We walk in and in true big guy style he starts flirting with the saleslady! She asks me about what the big guy is up to. Is he cruising? Yes. For how long? At least two months. Time for real shoes! No baby slippers. Ok...

We pick out two pairs and go sit down. Due to his boats he is a size 5.5. Hehe. We put on the first pair and they fit! But then big guy proceeds to do the "no bones" move. Which hubs and I made up when our nephew was a baby. The no bones is when kids fall to the floor like their bones have disappeared. so, big guy does the no bones move and we proceed to get him to at least stand in them.

He has since been wearing them for the partial day at daycare. And when he has them on, he won't move his feet as soon as I pick him up. it's pretty hilarious.


Add another word to big guy's repertoire! Big guy was sitting by the sofa being his happy self on Sunday and hubs and I were talking to him about how he was such a happy baby. Big guy looked at us and said "happy!". I'm mean really, Mensa, here we come!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A little something cold

Not only did Saturday bring snow, it also brought teething pain. Poor big guy was suffering. He was just grouchy all day, clingy, mans making this adorable face! I think he was trying to mash his gums together, but since he has teeth now, he can do it too successfully. It got so bad- he started chewing on one of his books. Which he rarely does. We gave him one of his cold tethers and he was instantly happy. He munched on it for awhile and played happily. And thankfully, he was fine the next day, but the final top incisor was in. He now has the two bottom teeth. And all four incisors on top plus a canine!

Baby's First Snow

Big guy upon arriving face first in the snow!

The weekend brought with it about three inches of snow. We decided that since big guy was not sick and it wasn't too much snow- that we would have our first snow adventure. Snow suit and all. We got big guy all suited up- a monumental task in itself. It's so puffy, but definetly did the job. Big guy couldn't move very much- he was kind of stuck in the position of a starfish. We got out and big guy was wide eyed a the snow. It was definetly a "whoa" moment. We then proceeded to watch Hubs shovel. We went over to a branch on a big bush and started to shake the snow off. He wasn't too impressed. But big guy was also teething like crazy- more on that later. Hubs then convinced me to plop him in he snow. Which was extra funny bc he couldn't move! He did get some snow on his face which wasnt so fun. Overall, he wasn't too into snow, but I think we just need some more exposure! And then our neighbors husband got arrested and hubs ended up shoveling half the block to get a better look!

Friday, January 7, 2011

My nanny was here

Last week brought with it not only the first week of daycare, but also the first friday with Nanny S. I was so relaxed and calm the entire day knowing my little man was safe and having fun at home. Like hubs and I guessed, big guy slept a good part of the day and was kind of grouchy. But when I got home, he was so happy to see me! it was awesome.

That night we went to the burrito place and got delicious burritos for dinner. mmm, fridays are gonna rock!

Is it shark week yet?

The other day, big guy woke up with his hair looking like an ad for shark week on the discovery channel. He has the best hair- it is always out of control after he wakes up from naps. Sticking up in bizarre directions. I just love it! So, what do you think? Next ad for shark week?


Big guy has figured out that he can drink from a straw. We were drinking apple juice and big guy was very interested. I offered him the straw, while keeping my finger on it and he took a sip. And his eyes opened wide, a big smile, some large gulps, and he opened his mouth for more. Nothing is better than undiluted apple juice! Now, whenever he sees the juice boxes he reaches out and opens his mouth. And he has also experimented with straws in my water cups at restaurants. The kid is a natural.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

And we've officially started daycare

Well, hello. It's been awhile since I wrote. Sorry. Truthfully, I've been so overwhelmed with the change in our lives that I haven't had time to write about... daycare. Let alone, do laundry, cook a meal, or think. Big guy started daycare last week. Monday was a half day, and then he did full days on tuesday, wednesday, and thursday. Friday, he was with the nanny.

I'm not even going to recount anything really. Just a rundown of my likes and dislikes. Likes- big guy is with lots of little kids. The teachers in there are awesome. They consistently put desitin on his bottom. They write these silly paragraphs about what big guy does during the day. "I had a great day! I was my cheerful self. I loved doing fingerplays today!" (Don't even ask me what fingerplays are- I have not idea.) He is smiling when he sees me at the end of the day and then he smiles at the room when we leave.

Dislikes- he isn't napping. they feed him when he's upset. they don't follow the schedule I know he needs- he's an active kid, he needs his rest. they write those paragraphs in the first person. there are always more than 8 kids in the room, when I was "promised" there wouldn't ever be. today they gave me some list of finger foods to give to big guy. pop tarts were on this list. uh...ok. I'm not giving my kid pop tarts.

Passive agressive things I do to cope with what I don't like. I re-write his schedule and give it to them every couple of days. I refuse to let them give him an afternoon snack- like at three. Instead, all other kids are locked into their chairs eating and big guy is roaming the room. hehe.

Anyway, I'm not totally comfortable with daycare. But, as I have no other options. I'm trying to remain calm.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


When our nephew ( cousin C to big guy) was a baby, he had this adorable habit of sitting on your lap at the end of the night before bed and holding onto your thumbs and rubbing them. it was incredibly precious and you knew you were special when you got your thumbs held. So, when we were at his house for new years, his mom, Aunt K asked if there was anything big guy did like that.

While I think big guy is just adorable with everything he does, I have to say that he has recently started a new comfort move- he fiddles with shirt sleeves and shirt collars. it is so precious. He does this when he's eating his bottle, laying down to take a nap with us, and it's just so cute. Like he needs to know we are there. I'll definitely miss it when he stops.

Happy New Year's Y'all!

Many years ago, when hubs still worked as a waiter in college, my family and I went to his restaurant for dinner, before he came home and we celebrated the New Year. As we were walking to the restaurant (we lived in center city at the time) a huge limo came down the street and a well-endowed woman wearing a very skimpy sequined top was popped out of the sun roof and while she was gyrating yelled, "Happy New Year's Y'all!" It was classic.

So, happy new years. Hubs, big guy, and I went to visit Uncle E, Aunt K, and Cousin C. We had about five hours of eating, sleeping, watching movies, playing, and opening presents. It was awesome! Big guy took a huge nap- really, we watched two movies during it. THose aunt and uncle peeps really wear him out. They gave him some really cute clothes- including a yoda onesie and cute corduroy pants. And a really cute little walker with fun spinny things on it. BIg guy hasn't totally mastered the walker without flying forward. But it was an awesome way to ring in the new year. And then big guy got up at 2:45 on new year's day. oh, so tired!