Sunday brought with it the perfect opportunity to escape our house. We decided that the Art Museum was a great choice. After big guy woke up from his morning nap, we rushed to the car and he had his morning snack in the car.
We got there around 11 and decided to go to the creepy american wing. We looked at 19th century impression- monet and manet. There was also a really cool fountain with what looked like a kid riding a dolphin in the middle. I'm sure it was something much more impressive. Then we saw a picasso and the sunflower painting by van gogh -which I think we might have to get a print of, since it has the same colors as big guy's room!
From there we hit up the armory- of course- it's some kind of boy thing. Then modern art, which was cool. And the Japanese tea house. And then we ended up in the cafeteria and gift shop. It wouldn't be a true visit without the gift shop.
And later big guy took a great nap and we had such a relaxing day. Later that night, I was thinking about how much big guy has been eating and wondering - Where did all this food go? Breakfast- oatmeal, banana, turkey bacon, cheerios
Lunch- yogurt, chicken, mac n' cheese, bread, cheese, puffs
Dinner- milk, refried beans, yogurt, sweet potatoes, puffs, cookie
Good lord- he's such a string bean, but so active. He is eating like a champ!
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