The weekend brought with it about three inches of snow. We decided that since big guy was not sick and it wasn't too much snow- that we would have our first snow adventure. Snow suit and all. We got big guy all suited up- a monumental task in itself. It's so puffy, but definetly did the job. Big guy couldn't move very much- he was kind of stuck in the position of a starfish. We got out and big guy was wide eyed a the snow. It was definetly a "whoa" moment. We then proceeded to watch Hubs shovel. We went over to a branch on a big bush and started to shake the snow off. He wasn't too impressed. But big guy was also teething like crazy- more on that later. Hubs then convinced me to plop him in he snow. Which was extra funny bc he couldn't move! He did get some snow on his face which wasnt so fun. Overall, he wasn't too into snow, but I think we just need some more exposure! And then our neighbors husband got arrested and hubs ended up shoveling half the block to get a better look!
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