But, I never had pears as a kid and big guy loves them. This is what I was banking on. I see people eating cottage cheese all the time. It looks fun. I'm jealous. Of course, this means I have no idea about what cottage cheese to buy. Clearly, I bought the wrong kind, or big guy thinks it is funky. He took about two small bites and then proceeded to spit out with the "ew" face the following spoonfuls. I even added peaches, but no dice.
And then the following day, I tried with some broccoli. Hubs was eating it and he gave some to big guy. Big guy would chew it, but not swallow. For the next hour, random pieces of broccoli would appear on his lips. Like a squirrel, releasing them periodically. Sigh. I'm hoping that it is just him not feeling well and not being very hungry for dinner time recently that has caused this dislike of new foods. I'll keep you posted!
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