The big guy has officially moved into the "needs a babygate" zone. In this world, mamabear and hubs can't keep up and can't always have their eye on the little man. Hence, we now have a gate that keeps him shut into the kitchen/living room. We bought it from Amazon, where else? It is a foot release gate and is in a charming white.
Big guy knows when it is open and loves to make a beeline for it. Mostly, hubs or I runs ahead and can close it, much to his disappointment. Big guy does think it is funny, as he will pull himself up on it and then bounce and sway while holding on. The picture above is of big guy doing this, and it was a coincidence that I took the pic when he was wearing striped pjs. But it does add to the no escape feel. The day after taking this pic, big guy was bouncing and took a huge poop. When you need something more than gravity to help...
Cute picture . . . love the jail motif (stripes, gates). I can see this picture in a slideshow someday :)